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Posts posted by Infernus

  1. I still remember how uninterested I was in seeing Avatar when it came out. Since I was too young when Titanic first came out to remember the hype or to be caught up in Titanic mania, I simply was not invested in Cameron. Then I saw the trailers (and the HORRID posters) for Avatar, and my interest was even less. But then...a group of my friends and I went to see it anyway, in search of just a cool girls' night out...and I was in awe of how brilliant Cameron is as a filmmaker and a storyteller. I am one of those people that Avatar detractors claim don't exist: a fan who LOVES Avatar not because of shiny colors or dazzling visuals, but because the characters' stories and their plight totally captured my imagination. That is why I've always said that Cameron's secret weapon will always be how he tells his stories, not what special effects he puts around them.

    Wait, are we talking about Cameron or Pixar?

  2. I still think IW Part 2 will be massive.

    Finale factor and all the extra characters.

    However 3 years building up to this and fizzzzzzlllleeeee

    If no other marvel movie is able to top Avengers by then than this will be the one to break both its OW and Final gross. Final gross is not that certain but this will have the biggest finale effect of any movie franchise in history going for it. After so many movies released over so many years with intermingling stories all leading to this one final moment we will finally get the end.

  3. Jurassic Park (3D) China Film $55,890,000

    so it should be for JW much much more

    In a market with such enormous growth (growth that has only increased this year) and where sequels are recieving increases of greater than 100m (F7 saw a growth of greater than 250m but its an exception), I am perfectly sure that a genuine sequel of a mega hit franchise releasing after a huge gap will increase atleast 150m from a 3D re-release of its 22 year old part.
  4. Nobody expected it to struggle to fight Dark Knight Rises. But again we're talking about $400M+ box office. That isn't a disaster.

    You want a disaster? Go look up Heaven's Gate.

    If Age of Ultron doesn't crack $400M (which it will crack), then we'll start using the D word.

    So you don't think this is a disaster coz 400m is a good number, then what are you expecting for Avatar 2 if you believe its gonna be a disaster?

    • Like 1
  5. Im excited to see which will come up on top in china between


    Jurassic world

    MI 5

    No the excitement is between MI5 and Jurrasic World. Terminator is going to cross 100m but will still almost certainly lag behind them both. I think Jurassic World will come out on top. Infact i seriously think it may come close to or even pass the 200m mark here. Firstly its much more of what the chinese audience loves plus there's the nostalgia factor which is very effective here as we saw with Titanic.
  6. Just for the record, disappointing and bad are not synonyms. The OW can be absolutely fine (which it is) and still be disappointing (which it is).

    That's almost exactly what I said around a 80-90 pages back -

    The number isn't bad, infact its very very super good. The thing is the goodness of the numbers is subjective and 85m is not as good for AOU as it would have been for some other movie. Its just like how 400m would be a very big achievment for any movie but still a disappointment for AOU. That's the difference. The number isnt bad but slightly disappointing. Disappointing in keeping with our predictions. But tbh our predictions were a tad too high and the number isn't really disappointing as its still greater than the first movie's number. It would have been really disappointing if it had been lower than that.

  7. Wait, what if this turns out to play like MJ1? A smaller than expected OW but a greater than expected Multiplier and thats when that movie was so much worse than even this. Its certain that this won't have a 3 multiplier, of course but maybe this could come close to x2.75. With a 2.75 Multiplier this will have a final gross of 522m from an OW of 190m. That i guess is going to be the roof for this though.

  8. Wow, so BKB you have so much to say about how wrong RTH was and you don't have a word to say for yourself? You have been posting much much higher predictions since months before and were so super-confidently saying that 100m is coming and everybody knows that and that we should embrace it and that we are big fools because we are committing the same mistake twice, even yesterday. And you are trying to blame it on Rth? I was a little happy to see you congratulating DH2 as not fighting back in itself was more than what I had been expecting of you but you should atleast just concede that yeah you were wrong and that you just hope it picks itself up from now on like everyone else. 


    And RTH, please don't pay any attention to anyone blaming you. THere are a hundred times more people here who really respect you and appreciate you for you giving us your time than those people. 


    And BKB, big bro, please don't take this to heart. It may have played below expectations but the number is still really good and it topped the first movie which is remarkable. I am sure it will have better legs than what many are expecting and that it is going to perform even better in the coming days. So just relax and please don't do anything rash or irresponsible.

    • Like 4
  9. The number isn't bad, infact its very very super good. The thing is the goodness of the numbers is subjective and 85m is not as good for AOU as it eould have been for some other movie. Its just like how 400m would be a very big achievment for any movie but still a disappointment for AOU. That's the difference. The number isnt bad but slightly disappointing. Disappointing in keeping with our predictions. But tbh our predictions were a tad too high and the number isn't really disappointing as its still greater than the first movie's number. It would have been really disappointing if it had been lower than that.

  10. Fullbuster, please, please, don't act like BKB. You're much more sane and ready to accept reality than him (and i know I'm going to regret writing this later part about accepting reality). Please don't go down on his turf. You feel the no isn't disappointing while some do. You atleast have to concede that its perfectly normal to feel disappointed by this as this isn't an outright winner so let everybody feel their way.

  11. That won't work this way, not this year given AoU will be higher than FF7 worldwide.

    That's obvious. But its not just a matter of tickets sold and money earned. I'm talking about the most Incredible run. F7s run is one of the most incredible and expectations-defying one in the past decade while AOUs run is mostly either on line with expectations or below them. You may go read the 'record no of billion dollar movies' thread for more on this. Me and Jessie argued a lot about which run was more incredible Frozens or F7s.

    • Like 1
  12. I just can't wait to see the demography breakdown for this weekend. If it does indeed turn out that there has been a big increase in teen% from last week, it would confirm that the legs for this are going to be better than the average frontloaded movie. If that is the case 95m should be easy and 100m should happen.

  13. But KFP3 could do $120-140 million DOM and Dory could do $450-550 million DOM. That's enough to make up the difference. 


    Those are both extremes and we're talking about the most probable numbers right now. While I really hope Dory makes that much DOM (Nemo is one of my favourite animated movies of all time just behind grave of the fireflies) I mdon't think that is very probable. More like 400-450m in my opinion (if this is almost as good as the first movie, that is).

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