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Everything posted by Frozen

  1. Two big mistakes I think the film made were killing off the oldest son and letting Spider save his father. I get they want the big bad back for more films, but having Spider save him after seeing all the death and destruction he caused really made his character look dumb.
  2. New Mutants was fine. No where near the worst x-men film. It was much better than Dark Phoenix and Age of Apocalypse. It actually might have made a cool limited series on Netflix.
  3. A lot of people won’t get in to see it opening weekend with limited seating. We are going to have to start looking at opening week from now on.
  4. The Polio vaccine took 15 years. It’s amazing how many people have decided it’s going to happen in 2021.
  5. Years from now our grandchildren will be reading history books that mention Tenet, the movie that saved cinema and killed Covid-19. Then Nolan was elected president.
  6. No. No more new dates. If it doesn’t come out in August, it just wasn’t meant to be. Besides, Peter Rabbit 2 is the new New Mutants.
  7. I wasn’t even on this board in 2012 lol. This thread is older than my account.
  8. They can space out seating and just give it almost every screen at the theatre. There will be no other newish films when this opens.
  9. So the villain is a bear? This is the first I’ve heard about a villain and this film has been around like 4 years.
  10. I think if they were going to move it, it would have moved by now. It’s going under the bus with Mulan and Tenet.
  11. Smart decision since it’s unlikely they will have another big movie ready for summer 2021. Plus this fall looks to be crowded with stuff that was moved from summer. I wonder what Spider-Man 3’s new release date will be?
  12. No I like that Disney bought FOX. I am excited to see what they do with X-Men and FF.
  13. Yeah a lot of companies file but don't close up shop. They usually reorganize their money, close their most under-performing locations and then try to work their way out. It depends on how badly they are in debt.
  14. The premiere for this will be so weird since all of the kids are like 5 years older than they were when they filmed the movie.
  15. Theaters will reopen in June and New Mutants will be #1 for 6 weeks until Mulan.
  16. This date makes a lot more sense than summer tbh.
  17. This will get dumped the literal minute theaters reopen. Then Peter Rabbit 2 becomes the new New Mutants.
  18. Why put Ghostbusters and Morbius so close? Unless they are hoping to move one possibly if theatres reopen?
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