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Posts posted by OncomingStorm93

  1. 3 minutes ago, john2000 said:

    scenarios /theoris create more panic , i can see why some people do it, but to start and saying that they will reshelude and black widow will move to say july ww2, to august etc etc while it could really happen , its really really obsessive

    If you don't want to engage in discussion about how a real-world crisis could affect a $40 billion dollar industry, you're in the wrong place.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    I guarantee we’ll see a breakout, probably multiple. But I also know there’d be a lot of resistance of closing stuff by certain groups until it’s too late.


    i haven’t but I don’t think Coronavirus is the main reason if Onward underperforms OW.


    Movie theaters don't have to close for people to want to avoid them.


    I'll agree Coronavirus won't be a huge factor on Onward's OW. My statements were in regards to Onward's legs.

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  3. Just now, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    Yes Corona will impact the box office to some extent in the states but it won’t cause films to move their slates or the pure reason why films underperform domestically. Overseas I can easily understand but even then look at the legs some of the films are having now. Besides if the virus were to outbreak, it’d likely be in the April-Nay vicinity.

    I’m assuming your assuming we won’t see a breakout in the States. I’m not sure why you would assume that, given we are already getting a steady stream of cases, and we’re operating at a fraction of the testing ability of South Korea. Only god knows how many cases we have at the moment.


    All it takes are clusters for city’s to start shutting theaters. Take Seattle for example, which has the nursing home outbreak. If they start finding more cases in that area outside the nursing home, theaters will become desolate quickly.


    I’m not sure why America wouldn’t have the same 70% decrease in attendance other nations are seeing should the situation continue to spiral out of control. And I do believe that’s going to continue.


    I get the approach of “hope for the best, prepare for the worst”. I just have minimal faith in the ability for this to be contained.


    You don’t think films will be moved here? Let’s see what things look like in 2-3 weeks. This spread ain’t stopping.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    Again I think we’re overestimating the impact of Coronavirus. If Onward underperforms, it’s because marketing didn’t connect, and didn’t look good enough for Pixar. The first warning sign was in January where it failed to make the most anticipated family film list for Fandango in 2020 where IIRC both Dolittle and Sonic made.

    I don’t know how you can say some (me) are over-estimating impacts.


    In case you haven’t noticed, the global box office is taking a huge hit, which is only going to grow as the virus spreads over the coming weeks and presumably months.


    I don’t think Onward is going to underperform naturally. I think with surety families as a whole will be increasingly avoiding public venues in the short-term. Especially when the case numbers spike in America.


    There’s a difference between a film underperforming on its own merits, and a film being gobsmacked by an international crisis.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    I think early October would be the best move for the movie. Venom 2 is releasing on the first weekend of October but that's gonna be an Asia player either way where Bond isn't that big (and Europe will be left free) and it will probably also do sub-200 mil DOM so again, not huge competition for Bond. November means it's competing against a potential 300 mil DOM, 1 bil WW grosser (The Eternals) which isn't ideal.

    It will be interesting to see the domino effect of film delays. Spring/early Summer releases will need to be pushed back, and Fall releases will need to make space, otherwise the market will cannibalize itself. I foresee some releases will be delayed upwards of 9 months to fill the gaps that will be left by blockbusters unable to film as planned due to the outbreak.

  6. I think it's adorable you guys are trying to predict legs for films like Onward when the issue that is causing 70% moviegoing drops across the world is spreading in the states. Who knows what the numbers would look like today if the CDC had it's crap together and we were able to test properly. Who knows how many actual cases there are at the moment. Whenever those tests start functioning, I'd expect a quick rise in numbers, and a quicker rise in self-isolation.


    Any talk of legs right now is bunk.

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  7. 27 minutes ago, DAJK said:


    I agree that this is an interesting point, but it's a very different type of apocalypse than say a "coronavirus apocalypse". It's an alien invasion, not some plague. IMO it would be a different story if this was Contagion releasing this March. 

    If Contagion were releasing next month, the release would be pulled faster than you can say "The Hunt".


    With this case, It's less about the type of apocalypse, and more the overwhelmingly apocalyptic tone.


    Also, when do we start to consider the effects of the virus on global film production? Blockbuster productions travel the world, carrying large amounts of people who work closely, with expensive talent, are going to have some difficulties. Mission Impossible 7 scrapping a 3-week Italy shoot is just the beginning. It's not just this year's slate that's threatened. It's next year's slate, the films that need a global pandemic-free working environment.

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