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Posts posted by OncomingStorm93

  1. 1 hour ago, poweranimals said:

    Because that's been the expectation for decades.

    You may not have noticed, but there has been nothing about this year that met "expectations".


    6 minutes ago, Wonder89 said:

    Good luck for find another job Patty, maybe she can return to some music video or TV episode

    She might have to go back to making Oscar, Emmy, and Golden Globe winning content. The shame.

    • Like 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, AJG said:


    The reaction from people i thought this would be a homerun for has been shocking.

    I wonder if it's the home viewing. A bad two and half hour movie is still just two and a half hours in a  cinema, it just feels long.

    At home an unengaging two and half movie invites distraction, phone checks, and constant pause/plays. A two and a half hour movie turns into 3 hours or 4 hours.

    If you're at home and you feel unengaged, find something else to watch. You aren't beholden to keep watching a film you feel is wasting your time. It's actually quite easier to do than if you're in the theater.

  3. 5 hours ago, Chicago said:

    Maybe we were wrong and Tom was being unreasonable. We don't even have 2 sides to the story, just a rant to go on. If 5 people quit then maybe Tom was just letting the power get to his head and people were sick of it. 


    I wonder how old the crew members were?

    I was called a death monger on here back in February for warning posters here about what was about to happen to America, the world, and this industry. Some users here wanted to insult me.


    I stand with Tom on this subject. Sure, he's no saint. He's got some crazy beliefs. Oprah's couch still hasn't recovered from his jumping. But as it pertains to COVID, Tom's 100% in the right. Either take the virus seriously, or GTFO.


    If 5 people quit because they don't want to take the necessary steps to keep the production running smoothly, then that's 5 less weights dragging down everyone else. 5 replaceable weights.


    If trying to enforce a healthy film set on the largest currently active film production in the middle of the worst medical crisis in a century is wrong, then I don't want to be right.


    Tom Cruise is the producer. This film, this franchise, is his baby. All Tom wants is the people he employs to follow health and safety protocols.


    I don't remember Tom launching into a tantrum, blaming everyone around him when production on Fallout shut down for 2 months because Tom injured himself during a stunt.


    I don't remember Tom yelling at people when production paused on Rogue Nation so that he and McQuarrie could rewrite the finale.


    If there are two sides to this story, the sides are people who are following health protocols, and people who aren't. IMO, there's only one side that deserves respect.

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  4. I'm with Tom. He's the producer. He's the star. He's the ONLY reason those people had this particular job. Without Tom, there are no M:I films. And I feel for Tom when he says he feels like the weight of the industry is on his shoulders. I understand where he's coming from.


    Tom's still got some Les f'n Grossman in him.

    • Like 4
  5. 43 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


    Universal boycotted theaters because they wanted to put stuff on home video much earlier. Disney wants to go that way as well.



    Universal still cut a deal though, ensuring a cinema-first experience for their theatrical slate for half a month before home release. And their home release model is still pay-per-view, not part of a monthly-billed streaming service.


    Disney of course is putting an emphasis on streaming. Everyone is. That's a far cry from making your entire slate day-and-date, theaters and streaming service.


    Neither Universal nor Disney are anywhere near the level of stupidity that ATT is demonstrating today.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


    If the entire studio industry abandons theaters, he won't really have a choice other than to accept the new reality. There is reason to believe that all of the studios are wanting to cut out theaters entirely. Personally I don't understand the logic of this for movies with large budgets and widespread appeal at the box office. Maybe their plan after cutting out theaters is to significantly increase the price of Disney Plus, HBO Max, Peacock, and whatever else. 

    I agree with you that theaters shouldn't (and won't) abandon theaters. However, that's clearly the message ATT/TimeWarner/WarnerMedia is sending today. I don't think any of the other major distributors with streaming platforms have been heading in this direction (day-and-date theater and streaming).


    So as it pertains to Nolan, if ATT wants day-and-date to be their standard moving forward, I think Nolan will have no problem bouncing to a studio that is committed to the cinema experience first and foremost. Nolan has no loyalty to ATT.


    I can not understate how massively stupid I think this move by ATT was.

  7. 6 minutes ago, SnokesLegs said:

    I think he’ll stick with them. WB are still allowing their films to screen in cinemas even if it’s shared with streaming, so it’s not like Disney where they took Soul and Mulan away from theatres entirely. Plus, Nolan doesn’t currently have anything in production, so he’s probably hoping that the pandemic will be over and things are more back to normal by the time his next film is ready for release. I’d be surprised if this saw the end of his arrangement with WB.

    Nolan's arrangements with WB includes back-end participation. Can't get back-end without the box office, and I don't see Nolan compromising on the business aspect, much like he doesn't compromise on the on-screen aspect of his films.

  8. Eh, the trailer was alright. Even in normal times, doesn't scream to me "holiday breakout hit".


    As someone who had 0 familiarity with Blade Runner prior to the marketing for 2049, and has 0 familiarity with Dune, but has been a huge fan of Denis Villeneuve since I watched "Prisoners" in 2013, this trailer was far less appealing than any of the trailers for BR2049. This just doesn't grab me. I don't know if it's the sprawling cast, dreary visuals (especially compared to 2049, which was vibrant despite being a futuristic dystopia) or the high-concept nature of the source material, or a mix of it all, but I'm honestly a little disappointed.

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  9. 28 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Movie looks insanely fun but my biggest problem with this trailer is that it makes the movie feel long. I assume the movie itself is long too but this trailer (and the last one) just makes it feel like the movie has bits where it just meanders.

    2 hours, 43 minutes is the run time.


    13 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    When did trailers stop having creative hooks and motiffs? The new Wonder Woman trailer really struggled with it, as did Tenet. It's just a bunch of random ass scenes and blaring music! 

    I think teaser trailers have more creative hooks these days than primary trailers. For example, WW84's teaser knocked the 80s aesthetic out of the park.

    • Astonished 1
  10. Fuck you, 2020. And fuck cancer. This is the biggest heartbreaking sudden death in probably the history of Hollywood. Or at least modern history. On a cultural level this is much sadder than Heath Ledger, Anton Yelchin, or Paul Walker. I think this even trounces Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Boseman filming his Marvel work while undergoing treatment for Stage 3 cancer (on top of his other incredible work) makes Boseman one of the ultimate forever Hollywood legends. Rest In Peace, forever.


    5 minutes ago, Morieris said:

    This is the only time I think "How will Marvel continue?" is a reasonable question to ask right now. Black Panther and T'Challa means the world to so many, not only us black folk. Some people think stopping would be a sign of respect, but to take away a storyline of powerful blackness because the actor died?


    I'm not wanting to speak for the dead, but as the statement by his team said, "It was the honor of his career to bring King T’Challa to life in Black Panther.", and we shouldn't let that die with him.

     The show must go on, and will go on. After several years of mourning. I can’t imagine Boseman would have wanted this legacy of his to end with him.

    T’challa will not be recast though. Marvel should continue with the excellent cast and characters already assembled. Front and center should be Lupita Nyong’o and/or Winston Duke.

    The best way to honor the King is to continue the story of his country.

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