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John Rambo

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Posts posted by John Rambo

  1. 9 hours ago, Alli said:

    Its doing mediocre in Asia. i'm surprised since that's a strong cruise market. maybe the subject matter is just not appealing to people over there


    also uninspiring opening in germany

    AM doesn't suit Asian audiences considering its subject matter. It's about American-Iran controversy and on top of that its a biography on Barry Seal! 

    In Poland and Hungaryit will end up grossing more than The Mummy. In Poland it has grossed 1m+ in 10 days

    It has done reasonable business OS especially Asia. In Taiwan its close to 2m in 10 days and 1.5m in Indonesia in 10 days. 

    Malaysia will end up grossing more than 1m which is good considering malaysian audiences like Action! Surprisingly Singapore has opened lesser than Malaysia...SG ususally accepts such niche movies better than Malaysia! Anyways if it grosses close to 1m or more than 1m its because of Cruise!

    Not sure how China will perform but Oblivion (20m) numbers would do good for this movie to cross 100m.


    Japan and SK are Wild Cards may break out or maynot! 

    Japan Oct 21 release!

    European Audiences tend to like these kind of movies more than asian audiences as it it relate able.

    LA is a big ? Not sure. TC is not as big as earlier in these markets. The Mummy performed better in LA compared to Europe but AM might end up close to JR2 figs in LA worst case! Lets hope for the best.


    • Like 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Alli said:

    yeah, i don't think this make 100M anymore. september has plenty of movie alternatives. it held good the second week because it had no competition. 80M would be a good target.

    Held good because the WoM was positive as well. After MI5 this is TC's best reviewed movie also it has got good response from Twitteratti's!

    Lets see if your saying holds good or not this weekend as there is a major release IT.  

    • Like 1
  3. Baywatch is movie which can be watched if your not sure what you wanna do or gonna do during one of those lazy weekends. 

    None of the cast impresses, the best part of the movie is the way beach scenes were shot it looked pretty cool at times. 


    Minor/few laughs here n there. Overall doesnt bode well for a franchisee. 

    The Rock tries hard to save the movie but no even his charisma cannot save a ship which was on verge sinking even before it was incorporated!


  4. One of my Top 3 Nolan movies (2nd spot after Interstellar)

    Loved the way characters were introduced and the tense moments in the latter half.

    Pacino's performance was like a pro he was at ease and he nailed it as usual. But one person who surprised me was Robin Williams he was simply superb as Guy-who-you-do-not-expect-to-be type! 


    Movies pacing is a issue at times but its overshadowed by Nolan's brilliant piece of work and Pacino's/Robins screen presence. 


  5. Watched it again. 

    First of all i can remember movie in 3 parts. Firstly Iraq, Second with Jekyll and Third the final act.

    This movie should have focused on a in-depth story telling, OK lets forget story at least on content. 

    I'd say this movie is perfect example of Careless film making, how can you let go a Golden opportunity in this way? Its OK to reach the half way mark and fail but here they haven't reached that far in terms of what they actually intended to do. 


    The Mummy Movies were always under FUN category, ok you wanna make it dark and distinctive from previous entries in this franchisee. Totally Fine. But dint you do your homework which is necessary before starting/making something Big?


    This movie wasn't a bore to be frank but the way it was presented was completely clueless and the subject matter looked silly considering the way they have focused on filming this. 


    Like i said if this isn't a bore then what else is it? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. 

    This movie neither bends on boring aspect knor any interesting aspect. For me this movie looked like any normal movie which was made just for the sake of making one!


    This movie will go down in history as how not to start a universe for studios. No Excuses. 





  6. This movie was fun. Pretty much tight screenplay which makes sure you are glued to the screen.

    Salma Hayek stands out, shes the best part of the movie though she has less screen time. 

    Reynolds and Sam onscreen chemistry is crackling at times but its not the same every time they are in the same frame!


    Apart from few significant shortcomings this ones a solid entertainer. 


    • Like 1
  7. Looks like AM will end up as Lowest grossing Cruise movie OS in recent times if the same trend continues in other markets.

    Markets like Spain (1.5x times) and Poland Bigger (2.5x times) and better than JR2 which kinda bodes well for certain markets which might breakout for AM.(Potentially)


    It opens in Germany this weekend, since germans like comedy, if this is marketed as Comedy it might open well here. 



    • Like 1
  8. Watched it 2nd time thanks to my friends :sadben:(They forced me)


    In repeat viewing this one sucks trust me! 

    SMH is bland SH movie without proper story and Villains character was not upto the mark! Critics are full of shit no wonder they liked this flick! 60% score on RT was jus about okay! 


    Spidey Good

    Villain Bad not the typical badass type villain!

    Aunt MAY Wasted

    Spideys friend Ned Best!

    Love Interest Mehhh

    Iron Man :WHATanabe:

    End Credits was nothing great but it was fun especially 2nd one :D


    Apart from few moments this one disappoints and joins the summer list with WW as overrated movie!




  9. say it will gross 1.2M next weekend including Dom its total will touch 390.8(391m)


    Japan a weekend after this so 400m is on but TF5 is releasing on Aug 5 so this one has competition irrespective of WoM i feel TF5 might cut short Mummys legs? 


    Then again as expected TF5 is declining everywhere so same thing applies to Japan! 


    So a total close to EoT is doable.

  10. 15 hours ago, Mojoguy said:

    This movie was okay...

    Tom is charming, Keaton was good, and the humor was well done.

    But it kind of failed in other places. No origin, no Uncle Ben, no Daily Bugle, no photographer job. Not even a mention of Ben, he might as well not exist. This is some kid who just happens to have Spidey's suit and powers.

    The female characters were badly done. Either they were reduced to poorly developed love interest (Liz), only there for other characters to make jokes about how hot she was (May), on just there to be an annoying quippy hipster joke dispenser that ended up trolling the audience were her last line (Michelle).

    Also Spidey's main plot was kind of terrible. Trying to impressive Tony and his goal of becoming an Avengers was lame. He should be his own hero not someone looking for approval.

    I hated the tech suit. At least the previous Spider-Men made their own suits instead of depending on a JARVIS wannbe computer voice.

    Being part of the MCU is this movie's greatest strength both also its greatest weakness. The references were nice, but the forced crossovers end up hurting a movie's ability to stand alone. After the 4th Tony Stark appearance, I was wishing the writers were focusing on Peter's high school cast instead.

    So true i got irritated when Tony Stark kept spidey in his hands sure the story is like that but for me as HC fan of spidey my childhood hero i could not see him getting approval or a chance given by Iron Man! 


    For marvel and Iron Man fans it was a treat but for some Spidey fans like me cannot digest the fact that he was under so called Iron Man!!! 

    • Like 2
  11. On 7/10/2017 at 9:17 PM, Brainbug said:




    And i like MI2 for cheesy fun. But Rogue Nation is a much, much more competent action film.

    So true id say this one's one of my fav cheesy movies :D

    To be frank i never get bored of watching this when i do a MI Marathon every year! 

    I dint like this one for some point of time but my opinion changed when i watched it again!

  12. On 6/16/2017 at 4:36 PM, Maxmoser3 said:

    Stallone had reached the top of the mountain! 


    Rambo 2 proved to be a big hit at the beginning of the summer movie season! And was the best debut of 1985!


    Rocky IV went to the Holiday season, unlike Rocky III which was released in the summer of 1982. Rocky IV proved to be the one everyone knows, and had the song  "Living In America" by James Brown attached to it. And word of mouth doing great, it was no problem that this was going to be another hit for Stallone. 


    But 1985 was a milestone that Stallone would probably unfortunately never see again, as he had two films in one year gross over $100 million. Because after that, Stallone didn't have really any hits. Cobra did ok but couldn't even make $50 million. Over The Top flopped. Rambo III underperformed. Lock Up underperformed. Tango & Cash made some $$$. Oscar, and Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot did flop or modest business. 

    Yea most of them as u mentioned suit the DOM scenarios! 

    But its the other way in OS. 

    Cobra grossed 160M WW on 25 budget

    Over the top DOM 16M and i saw some article which mentioned it did well OS and its WW is 60M on 25m Budget. Infact it crossed 10M in Japan. 


    Lock Up yes flop in USA no idea about OS gross!


    Tango was solid for stallone it grossed more than Rambo III in USA. I read somewhere it grossed 120M WW on a 55M budget!


    Oscar was again DOM underperformer. No idea about OS gross but in germany it had less then 500k admissions thats sums it up as stallone was draw in germany with min of 1million admissions for most of his movies!


    Stop or my mom will shoot! another Dom misfire but it did cross the 1m admission barrier in germany based on this it might have done well in OS to recoup its budget!


    • Like 1
  13. On 7/10/2017 at 8:25 PM, Baerrt said:

    I've read elsewhere that the character was simply no longer popular domestically by the time the third film rolled round. Both Rambo and Rocky sequels in '85 benefited from the spirit of patriotism that was in the air that year and come '88 that was no longer there.

    I feel that First Blood was well received and it wasn't typical action movie, whereas the Rambo II released with the popularity of Stallone and goodwill of the first movie which led to significant increase in BO collections in USA.


    Rambo III had the usual sequel drop as the 2nd one received mixed reviews/Negative reviews from critics and Stallone was no longer big in USA. 


    This what i feel after going through his filmography.


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