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John Rambo

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Posts posted by John Rambo

  1. This was fun! But i felt this movie was incomplete without certain expected elements. 

    For Instance i loved the aunt may element in both the spidey movies (SM and TASM series) it was heartwarming and emotional. In this movie i felt aunt may was just a caricature. 

    Secondly the movie lacked originality involved in spidey movies. TASM was better in this aspect surprisingly.


    Keaton was good as villain but he wasn't powerful enough. Tom Holland excelled as spidey who was in hurry and over(Hyper maybe?) active to perform his duty as spiderman. 

    Spideys love interest looked mehh. Zendaya was okay and she was very observant. Ned was perfect as funny guy/friend! 

    Aunt May looked hot yes :D but she's just a caricature not much importance when compared to other movies!


    Action scenes were decent and 3D effects were pretty good. Movie lacks pace at times but in the end it delivers. Usually SH do not make any sense as in reality it just not possible for people to have such powers. 

    There are certain SH movies even though its illogical makes me forget the logic but spidey doesnt do the same for some extent! Marvel has a winner but @MarvelStudios u surely have disappointed the HC Spidey fan in me! 



    • Like 1
  2. I wish this one crosss 200M DOM and 700M WW i cannot see this movie like 4 and 5 to end the gross between 680-700 WW.

    Its high time cruise gets his due for MI series hes making better ones offlate!!! 

    I feel DOM might take a hit if untitled DC movie comes out on the same weekend.

    OS has to perform big time and wish it does! Europe has been suffering from heat wave this year and admissions are fluctuating! So anything can happen same time next year so MI has all these Odds. 

    Lets see.


  3. 3 hours ago, titanic2187 said:

    if this movie have more than $120m in domestic market, it could still justify a sequel, but now, given how bad it perform domestically, the whole plan for Universal is just messed up


    I find a similarities in this movie and Pacific Rim.....both made more than $400m while underperform in domestic

    Atleast PR touched 100M mark at Dom BO!!! This one barely touches 80+.


    OS yes pretty much the same solid performers OS.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, el sid said:

    So, that was easier to find:

    Cobra: #10 of the year ('86) and 1.751.777 total admissions.
    Tango & Cash: #21 ('90) and 1.198.570. Exactly behind Rocky V (1.237.734) and six places above Lock Up (1.072.121).
    Demolition Man: #17 ('93) and 2.031.758. Thereof 575.633 moviegoers in the first week. Six places behind Cliffhanger (#11 of the year) which had 2.262.396.
    The Specialist: #25 ('94) and 1.237.817. I didn't know that it made 170M WW.
    Daylight: #36 ('97) and 1.165.917.

    Not one film under 1M – very solid! Even „Stop! Or My Mum Will Shoot!“ had over 1M admissions 1992 ;).
    I like to report and found it interesting to look up the numbers but if you want to search quickly for a film my source is insidekino.de (in the headline → Box Office D → JAHRES & ALL-TIME CHARTS). It starts 1966 and is pretty detailed since the late 70ies/early 80ies.

    Thanks alot for the info :)  This proves Stallone was a genuine draw in Germany! 

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, el sid said:

    Yes, that's right. Rocky 3 (released in November '82) had „only“ 580.880 total admissions. The first two Rocky films had even much lower numbers. I read that the soundtrack, especially „Eye of the Tiger“, helped to cause interest back then. Also the film had the title „Das Auge des Tigers“/“The Eye of the Tiger" ;).
    These in comparison low numbers of Rocky 3 was the reason why I was so sursprised of the big increase of Rambo/First Blood. I guess because it started eleven weeks later in Germany than in the USA people already heard some good things about that film. Plus I think it had good reviews here (but even that's hard to figure out because many reviews are written in recent years). And I read that there were protests against First Blood, probably that caused some additional attention. The film is still well liked here. All four Rambo movies are. Almost everytime they're on TV, also on big(ger) TV-stations, they have really good TV-ratings in all age groups.

    I found the number of admissions of Rambo III on its first weekend: 629.940 moviegoers (so a multiplier of around 4). But unfortunately not for the first two Rambo movies. It would be so interesting to see which multiplier they had. Probably very high ones.

    Sounds interesting :) Thanks for the info!!! 

    Any idea on how Cobra, Tango and Cash, Demolition Man, The Specialist, Daylight performed in Germany? 


  6. 400 is the target now. Hope Japan delivers big time :P


    Say the Dom gross ends around 80M*0.55= 44m

    OS excl china 220M*0.40= 88m

    China 90*0.25= 22.5m

    total share is 154.5M 

    they have recouped the net production budget and this ones definitely not a flop.


    People look at Dom numbers and conclude that this ones flopped badly but they do not have an idea about OS. Same thing applies media who tries to bring down cruise!



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  7. I know the title looks weird and silly :D 

    So i opened this thread to discuss about Actors/Actresses who have strong Fan base/Market in certain areas irrespective which ever movie they do it does pretty well in that particular area/region/country!


    For Instance

    Cage was strong in Brazil his movies had decent grosses. His faith based movie Left Behind's highest grossing OS market was Brazil.


    Will Smith was very popular in Germany hitch movie did great buisness in germany that year!


    Deniro had solid grosses in France.


    Cruise is very consistent in Asia. He's very popular in SK, Taiwan, HK, Indonesia, Japan etc


    Arnold was big in Japan. His movies did decent business till End of days


    Stallone was consistent and big in Italy infact in 1985 the top 2 movies belonged to stallone! Add Japan to the list


    Clint Eastwood was solid in Italy, France and Japan.


    Tom Hanks scored very well in UK.


    Correct me if im wrong and so share ur inputs, insights or even articles would be better :) 



  8. On 6/29/2017 at 11:04 PM, el sid said:

    That would indeed be very interesting. I found only some data for Germany. The film was #4 of the year '85 (behind two German comedies and Back to the Future, in front of Beverly Hills Cop, Ghostbusters and Police Academy 2) and had 4.065.315 admissions.
    Unfortunately I don't know how expensive the tickets were back then. I guessed 5 DM (Deutsche Mark) but an older friend said it was more like 8-9 DM but wasn't sure herself. I searched for a chart of the tickets price development in Germany but they start much later.

    To my surprise Rambo/First Blood was also already in the Top 10 of the year '83. It was #8 and had 2.412.191 admissions, a much higher number than I thought. Probably the US or worldwide(?) WOM helped because this is 4x the admissions of Rocky III which started here in November '82, so two month before.

    Wow, this is interesting Stallone was strong in Germany.

    So u mean Rocky 3 had 600,000 admissions in germany

    ??? which sounds less for a movie which grossed 270m WW.

  9. On 6/23/2017 at 2:41 AM, Maxmoser3 said:

    1988, Rambo III saw overseas success. '89 Lock Up bombed, and Tango & Cash did ok.

    Tango Dom gross was 63M which looks okay for a buddy cop comedy with a prodn budget of 55M.

    Im not able to get OS gross for this particular movie, though im pretty sure it would have opened in 1990 oly (opened state side on December 1989).

    In other forum some one said it grossed 120M WW which means 57M OS which was very less for stallone a min of 80-90 is respectable for this one! If the gross is 120 then its a rare phenomenon for stallone to have Dom gross greater than OS!



  10. Previews on Thursday starting from Evening around 4-5pm in India.

    It will take a hit in South India (TN, AP, TG, KA, KL) which is a major zone for holly movies. Because theaters have shut down in Tamil Nadu (TN) due to GST Taxation issues!! apart from this state in South it is having smooth release all over india and pretty sure its gonna be huge if not great atleast :)


    Salmans Tubelight (Movie) flopped badly which helped TF5 gain some momentum at the BO now its gonna benefit this one even more!!!




  11. 7 hours ago, HesAPooka said:

    In Edge of Tomorrow there was no kiss in the script but Emily blunt added it saying she felt like it worked in the moment and they kept it. Very normal for actors to talk to directors to try to add or take something out based on how they feel their character would react in a situation. Doesn't mean the actor is taking over production. You wouldn't say Emily Blunt took over directing from Doug Liman because she added a kiss. That sort of thing happens all the time and is apart of the movie making process, it's a collaboration with everyone giving input.

    Oh yea now i remember this incident :D

    But i think this is the first time that Media is blaming TC for excessive control, sure earlier they fired cruise for diminishing BO returns but for Mummy it was pretty strong! I might have misjudged Media's hatred towards cruise on The Mummy! 



  12. Im puzzled on how the media is blaming Tom Cruise as the reason for failure, initially i felt this was pure hatred and they wanna bring down cruise.


    But in some talk show Annabelle Wallis said that TC said no for a kissing scene which gives us hint that he might have had hands in production activities (Surely he does for his movies).


    Infact i don't even have an opinion on this as im totally confused if Tom was to be blamed in the first place? Too much intervention perhaps?



  13. 3 hours ago, expensiveho said:

    400m for a second Mummy reboot is great.


    Some people just had unrealistic expectations.


    Some say it could have done more some say it has done less than expected, some say it has done more than it's actual capacity. Opinions differ from one person to another.


    400m gross is a big thing but since this movie actually paves path for a monsterverse should have succeeded atleast content wise and this one failed badly overall in this particular aspect. This may be one reason why people had unrealistic expectations. This one will end up grossing not even half of first mummy and not as good as first 2 movies. So comparison is inevitable an you cannot escape from comparison by saying this movie is totally different than previous mummy movies etc.







  14. Solid movie! Entertainment at its best one of Sly's best and he did a very good job in this. His comic scenes are too good. 

    Should have been a bigger hit but ended up as decent success at BO.



    Best part of the movie is when Stallone goes underground with Sandra and Rob, he ends up eating burger in a small resto which turns out to be rat burger :D 

    There's a list of scenes which stood out:

    1. 3 Sea Shells

    2. Pizza Hut Scene

    3. Arnold reference

    4. Sandra singing some crazy song which pisses off stallone :D 


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