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John Rambo

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Posts posted by John Rambo

  1. This one should have grossed minimum of 500m if it had avg/decent WoM but sadly its wasted and missed oppurtunity for Universal and TC.

    I seriously hope Universal learn from their biggest blunder ASAP this is not the way to start a monsterverse i've seen most of the people telling they dint like the movie at all some went to the extent of saying its the worst movie this year. 

  2. The Mummy has surprisingly done well in Latin America compared to Europe as a whole.

    For instance JR:NGB grossed 1.6M in Netherlands whereas The Mummy which is well established brand might touch 1.8-2M gross. 

    JR:NGB grossed 9.6M in UK and Mummy will barely scrape thru 10M mark here.

    JR:NGB grossed 7.6M gross in France mummy might touch 9-10 depending on Spidey release.

    Not sure why its run in Europe is not upto the mark? Is it summer effect? Heatwave?? 

    In LA it has done well, Argentina one of Cruise's weakest territories has grossed 3.8M in 3 weekends staying in No 1 spot for all 3 weekends.

    Brazil and Mexico crossed 11M mark, Colombia gross is solid as well.


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  3. Avengers has 100% shot at 1 Billion!

    JW2 id say it has good chances of grossing 1B. If this ones a stinker or avg i see this grossing less than billion!


    Apart from these 2, i'd like to see MI6 in the list but it has chances oly if its DOM intake is around 300-350M it cannot solely rely on OS. It has good track record in Asia, Europe but in Latin America it is not huge at all. For instance FF series is Huge in Asia and LA, in Europe its strong which bodes well since it has its presence all over whereas MI series rely heavily on Asia.

    Anyways lets hope for the best :D


  4. On 6/21/2017 at 7:43 AM, Maxmoser3 said:

    Yep. 1993 was his most successful year for a while. The Specialist was a hit in '94, but it took a bit after that to make a comeback.

    Starting from 1980s he had following good years:

    1982, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989 (Last 88,89 partially) 93 and 94.

    Im pretty much interested to know about Rambo 2 OS grosses tried very hard to get it but failed :( 


  5. 1 hour ago, IndustriousAngel said:

    Declining franchise, ok, but today's 8pm show for Transformers 5 is rather empty ... actually, shockingly so. 4 hours to go and only 1 (one) seat sold atm. For now, let's put a big question mark behind my 500k number: ?

    (WW is not selling too hot either but has as least more than 20 bookings for the same slot)



    Maybe this ones more of Walk-ins type of movie ???

  6. On 6/18/2017 at 4:57 PM, TigerPaw said:

    Will Mummy catch Wonder Woman's total? I am surprise why Mummy still beat WW in HK this weekend despits poor reviews. Hk is known for their taste in movies (i thought)


    Hope wonder woman follows Taiwan's BO trend in Japan. Taiwan and Japan have some very similar cultural appreciation.




    Tom Cruise effect! TC is a draw in HK as well. Same thing applies to many asian countries

    • Like 1
  7. Stallone reached peak after Rocky 4 release he was the top most actor with 2 300m grossers in same year! Not a easy task then but surprisingly both grossed 300m with few thousand dollars apart! 

    Rocky 4 grossed 127m Dom and 173 OS! This was Stallone's top grossing movie in Japan with  ¥4.75 billion ($30.5 million) until Cliffhanger which was no 1 movie of 1994 in Japan with a gross of ¥6.40 billion ($ 62.1 million).

    Rocky 4 had marginal increase in its Dom gross compared to Rocky 3(125m) whereas its OS gross had good increase compared to rocky 3 which grossed 145m! 

    Rocky 4 was when downtrend of rocky series began! 

    Discuss :) 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, BOOYAH SUCKAS said:

    Truly a phenomenal run, Sylvester Stallone highest grossing film and his last film to gross over 100m until the expendables. 

    Didnt this film also break the opening weekend record? 

    Does anyone know why Rambo III declined so much from this one? 

    Rambo 3 grossed 53M DOM and 135M OS

    Rambo 2 grossed 150 Dom and 150 OS

    Rambo 1 grossed 47 Dom and 78 OS

    Rambo 3 had solid gross OS but still declined by 10% when compared to Rambo 2! It had terrific run in Japan by grossing 3.80 billion yen ($28.8 million). Rambo 2 was well received but not as much as first blood which might be one reason why rambo 3 declined.

    Rocky 4 was his last 100m movie at US BO. Rambo released in May 1985 and Rocky 4 during Oct/Nov 1985! 

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