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Everything posted by TomCruiseTop

  1. http://collider.com/avatar-sequels-underwater-filming-explained-james-cameron/ Still raising the bar.
  2. Depending on when it happened I could see A2 benefiting from a global catastrophe, it could bring the entire world together after disaster... and do 10 billion worldwide.
  3. Except 'domestic' is the US and Canada, no? if you were going on country of production LOTR would be a NZ production would it not?
  4. Such a shame to see Blade Runner not doing big numbers, so strange too since people seem to really love sci-fi.
  5. Which is itself a rip off of a Japanese story... so if Avatar is Pocahontas (which it isn't) then its waaaaay more American.
  6. Nationalism never really was pretty, I hope people can be above that and admit Chinese dominance in the box office when it inevitably arrives.
  7. I know the economy will probably have an election year bounce and Trump's second term bump, but I really don't see the US staying ahead of the value of China's box office.
  8. An interesting question is whether we'll be counting the US or China as domestic come the release of A2.
  9. This is probably a good thing if it's in the negative, after all, most of the people on here seem to lack a lot of knowledge of how things are going to turn out... (45)
  10. I hope we see an Avatar re-release soon, I need that big screen experience again.
  11. http://www.slashfilm.com/that-glasses-free-3d-avatar-story-isnt-nearly-as-definitive-as-the-internet-would-have-you-believe/ Called it. Unless Jim says so - believe nothing.
  12. "I see you." "You're not in Kansas anymore." "The strong prey on the weak, and no one gives a damn." "How does it feel to betray your own race?" "You are like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do." Just off the top of my head.
  13. Games companies have been stealing Jim's visionary ideas for decades. See: Blizzard and Bungie as obvious examples.
  14. The Guardian hating on Avatar just makes me even more certain the sequels will be a success.
  15. After seeing the demand for Pandora I'm revising my rolling estimate for A2: 10 Billion Worldwide.
  16. I'll ignore the fact that your reply hardly makes any sense given what I said... and instead say: I didn't really see similar anger at having to wait for Toy Story 3, TFA, Blade Runner 2049, Finding Dory, or even Jurassic World. Then again, none of the immediate precursors to those movies was the highest grossing film of all time. This is Jim Cam we're talking about, the man is a pioneer, a visionary the likes of which the world has never seen before. The man engineered, and then became the first person to solo pilot a sub to the bottom of the ocean in between these movies. Can you name a single director who has achieved more outside of the medium of film than Jim? I'll wait.
  17. Ah, the old "No one even cares about Avatar anymore!", self-defeating argument. Education has failed you BKB.
  18. HYPE. The castings are finally coming in, all we need now is Arnold as a big bad.
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