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Everything posted by TomCruiseTop

  1. x2 (the real question is what currency will we be measuring A5 in? - I suspect it will be Yuan).
  2. It's not far outside the max range I predicted if things really went to the moon.
  3. IronJimbo, good to see you back, can you run the numbers on the growth of IMAX + China and how much A2 will make?
  4. Another thing is that China seems to have reverence/respect for people who have come from working class backgrounds and made themselves the top of their respective fields (like Jim). Unlike someone like Tom Hardy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (privately educated etc.)
  5. Jim is to my knowledge the only film-maker that has had a private meeting with Xi Jinping, I know it's the 20th congress this year, but if he doesn't step down it bodes well for Avatar 2.
  6. IMAX had 10x less screens and Avatar did 250m. So we can easily extrapolate a quick 2.5B from IMAX alone. Also, please note that my prior post (not the one referencing the CCP) was removed so you may be missing context on what I said. I was not referring to the current treatment of the Uyghurs, which is beyond heinous. I was referring to China's current monetary policy (a continuation of my previous two posts). They are propping up a real estate market that they are using as a weapon against western economies, knowing that a collapse of their own debt laden RE market will spark a similar collapse worldwide. Now, other than causing a housing market crash that could make '08 look like a tea party, it would also see revenues explode (again) due to the price (but not value) of said tickets going up. This may or may not cause even greater suffering than that, but the writing has been on the wall for a very long time, and I do not anticipate that anyone here who follows things like the box office and would be well versed in economic policy as a result to be caught by surprise when bread costs 5 times what it did.
  7. Probably my fave of the sequels but still doesn't come close to the original. I would probably rate them 1>2=5>4>3.
  8. I enjoyed it, far more than I expected to actually. Certainly more than Halloween Kills (still trying to figure out what happened there), the problem is that I think it may suffer due to it being released in this window.
  9. It's still Jim, still spectacle cinema at its finest, and still has the revolutionary tech angle (at least for A2) so I think we may yet see something special (again).
  10. If it does this it has lost over 20% alone to inflation x exchange rates under 1.5B is an unmitigated disaster. Also to anyone not understanding why the CCP would hate Marvel movies - they are American propaganda at its finest. They have characters that are unapologetically pro-americana. Whereas with Avatar, Jim can hand wave that it's a NZ co-production and that the stated themes are decidedly anti-American (e.g. anti-imperialism).
  11. I hope we all get to quote that Japinder post 'that is impossible'. With a big smirking Jim face.
  12. The learn Na'vi community is a very broad bunch and an excellent resource. They also helped me to personally realise I'm not actually an Avatar fan, I'm a James Cameron fan. Those folks though, they're truly Avatar fans and couldn't really care less for Jim. Still, I try to help where/when I can and Seth - the main dude in the doc is a great guy, he has done a really great job of building that community.
  13. An excellent position to take. However, there are certain things I would prefer not to share on this site - check your DMs. IronJimbo is in it. I paid for his ticket to NYC.
  14. I've spoken directly with Dylan Cole who is one of the artists on the sequels. He and the entire art department are contracted to Lightstorm Entertainment - they own the production rights. If you look at the cases brought against Avatar when people were claiming it ripped them off they were all brought against Lightstorm and/or Jim, none against Fox. In fact you can go quite far down this rabbit hole because something is similar with Alita (although obviously that IP is owned by the Mangaka who first made it). I have seen the docs between Fox and Jim back when Jim Gianopulos first gave the green light on the sequels and again they were signed between Fox and Lightstorm (which Jim owns) for distribution rights and services rendered. My overall assumption is that Lightstorm has total control over the Avatar IP and currently Jim has total control over Lightstorm, however he's probably thinking ahead to when his family gains control over his estate in which case Lightstorm will pass to them and instead of him getting obliterated in taxes they'll dodge a lot of the heavy stuff. I can't provide proof but a quick google search will point you in the right direction. You want to take a look at Maria Wilhelm she's the Operating Officer of Cameron Companies which is one of Jim's other companies. If you want to find the actual pdf docs that I'm referring to then look into 'tbase2' - another business Jim owns that originally set up the entire framework for the Avatar saga.
  15. Looks like it was a heart attack. Far too young to pass. What a shame.
  16. If the meta commentary from the movie itself is to be believed WB was doing to go ahead and make a sequel no matter what.
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