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Everything posted by Rman823

  1. Yeah but it's not like it's the most ridiculous thing this series has done. Given that it seemed like there was only a couple of people who knew who he was when I seen him in theater they're probably better off just letting that part of the series die with Han.
  2. Im really hoping for a Lucas Black cameo setting up a bigger role in 9. I literally laughed in the theater seeing him in his 30s playing a 17 year old in Furious 7 (although he really didn't even pass when he was in his 20s). You got to love this series continuity.
  3. Im doing the same. Just started Chapter 9 and as I do when re reading or reading a book before the movie I'm picturing the actors in their character roles and since the trailer showed us Derry, the Neibolt House, etc. I'm picturing them as they were shown. I truly think this is my most anticipated movie of the year.
  4. Some of the casting in The Stand alone is WTF. I mean Molly Ringwald as Frannie ? The Langoliers is a whole other level of terrible though.
  5. It makes plenty of sense why it's there and what it represents but reading and seeing it is two separate things. Hasn't King come out and said his drug use around that time is what led to it ?
  6. This is exactly how I've always felt. IT and The Stand are my two favorite King novels and both deserve to be done in more than 1 film even if it was over 3 hours. That's why while I enjoyed the miniseries for what it was able to do on TV I still longed for the day that the book would get a more faithful adaptation.
  7. Unlike some other adaptations it makes sense to adapt IT into 2 parts given that it's over 1000 pages and has enough material to cover 2 movies.
  8. I'm not a Chastanic (Does she really have a huge amount of fans) but as someone who read the book I would be satisfied with her casting and wouldn't care if it wasn't her. And sure these movies don't need big names but chances are WB will try and get some recognizable names. And as a fan of the book I feel the material deserves some A list talent. And yes most of the kids are unknown because that's almost the case anytime a group of kids is cast. There's just not that many known child actors.
  9. Man didn't realize GITS is ScarJo's first rotten movie on RT since He's Just Not That Into You. Still looking forward to checking it out. Haven't been to the theaters since Kong and I feel like I'm the only person on Earth who had no interest in BATB.
  10. Well other than her and Amy Adams I haven't seen any other "reasonable" choices for Beverly. As someone who's read the book she's a good choice and I'm sure WB wants a couple of A listers in the Adult Loser Club.
  11. It's not confirmed but all signs are pointing to her. She's really the popular choice as well and makes sense.
  12. They haven't cast any of the adults yet. Although from the looks of it Jessica Chastain is the likely choice for adult Bev given she's worked with the director before and resembles the younger actress.
  13. Don't quote me on this but I think I heard he was pushing for borderline NC-17 material (beyond that certain scene) which would fit the statement about it being too offensive for Warner.
  14. Not saying it's going to happen (most likely won't) but imagine if IT had something like a $70-75 million OW. Legs would probably be crap but still.
  15. From what I've seen online that seems to be the case for a lot of people (first horror movie in theaters in a while). Which is why I'm expecting it to really breakout.
  16. While it makes sense why some people would laugh it's kind of heartbreaking when you think that hitting his head probably adds to the disorientation of losing the boat and seeing Pennywise in the sewer.
  17. I'm sure many scenes will be improved from the TV movie since not only is there a bigger budget but there's also the R rating they'll have to work with. I enjoy the TV movie for what it is but when you take off your nostalgia glasses there's plenty of room for improvement which is why I always hoped a theatrical adaptation of the novel with a bigger budget would come to light.
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