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Everything posted by Rman823

  1. And it sucks because even Jack and Jill has a higher RT audience rating. In mean come on.
  2. I posted this earlier but it doesn't hurt to bring it back. Behold the Hunnam V
  3. Just got out and overall I thought it was an average comedy. Some jokes hit and others missed. It's nowhere near as bad as the RT audience score or IMDB score would lead you to believe and goes to show that it's just Schumer hate. Trainwreck is still the way better movie but if my audience was any indication I don't see how this can have such low ratings unless it's from people hating without even seeing the movie.
  4. I figured there would be similarities with Ghostbusters since Snatched's trailer also received a huge number of thumbs down on You Tube when it premiered. Funny enough they have the same writer.
  5. Starting with a 2.0 on IMDB. The Schumer hate is already taking effect.
  6. Would you seriously expect anything else. Only having male frontal nudity is the new norm in R rated comedies.
  7. It was so nice to have Gal be the one who presented the award.
  8. From the looks of this they really nailed the Losers Club down. This is seriously my most hyped movie of the year.
  9. Considering the first was my favorite film of 2015 and Eggsy was my first avatar on this forum 2 years ago I'm so hyped for this.
  10. I know but the fact that it's getting to the point where people don't even have to go on a site and new releases show up on YouTube and are shared on Facebook just upsets me. One of my Facebook friends actually just played Finding Dory for their kids from someone sharing a low quality cam on Facebook. I mean seriously ?
  11. I had it at most grossing 40-50 million domestic. After seeing it I was very glad to be wrong.
  12. Yeah but those deals or getting something for free (most of the time) is legal. This is stealing.
  13. So a live cam of F8 showed up in my YouTube recommendations. I clicked it just to see if it was legit and there was over 31,500 people watching. It boggles my mind that many people would watch some shitty low quality cam rather than watch it in theaters.
  14. Even if it's disappointing like you said it's still a success. Why undermine that and make it look worse than it really is ?
  15. And that will be seen as disappointing and Marvel fatigue taking affect by some even though it's a great opening.
  16. 3/5s can be either one. It's up to the reviewer or they determine whether it's more positive or negative.
  17. Literally just got on YouTube and that promo was in my recommendations. I haven't even watched it but the thumbnail gives it away. It's like Studios can't help themselves from spoiling their movies.
  18. Can't wait. How often do you see a series still go strong in its eighth entry? Although there are plenty of factors that make it different than other series.
  19. I can honestly say there's something I enjoy out of every one.
  20. Yeah her acting is really bad in this one but given what she had to do it doesn't really take me out of it. I still prefer it over 2Fast and TD.
  21. Rewatching the series for F8 and still don't get the Fast & Furious hate. Sure it's nowhere near the best in the series but I still enjoy it. Plus it introduced me to Gal Gadot which is a very good thing.
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