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Everything posted by tawasal

  1. UPDATING: 1920s: 7 movies 1930s: 59 movies 1940s: 83 movies 1950s: 72 movies 1960s: 71 movies 1970s: 69 movies 1980s: 83 movies 1990s: 135 movies The Immigrant (1917) is the oldest movie I have seen.
  2. i dont know who it was, might have been noctis or gopher, that made a bold club about Hunger Games back in 2012 that said something along the lines go big or go home, you should probably stick to that motto.
  3. They always underestimate BP's sunday drop. Is disney doing this purposely? While other firms overestimate over half the time.
  4. I am thankful I haven't seen that face before. You gave me more reason not to watch.
  5. Sorry if i am late to all this and just dragging a dead body by now, but I feel like I need to get this of my mind before I leave you to enjoy your estimates. I went back and read the arguments between EC and baumer and it’s really not that hard to see who is been childish, condescending and melodramatic about the whole thing. @EmpireCity you were just trying to piss on someone’s predictions and that’s just c***t move and baumer was just showing you who you are and defending a fellow forum member.
  6. @EmpireCity if that was a private conversation between you and him and you just showed it to everyone that doesn’t really look good on your character no matter if you are right or wrong in your conversation. It should stay between you and him.
  7. But it was 5 hours ago when it was announced, but people are slow and catching up now. It's really sad and I just watched his auto-biography kind of documentary on netflix few days ago. Hey Brother and Wake Me Up are so damn special to me.
  8. I thought this just happened, why isn't this everywhere in social media and I am just seeing it now.
  9. It will be pretty difficult as there is no movie that has opened pre-summer and after NYE's that have made to 200m and above with 50m - 60m Opening Weekend. That closest was Monsters Vs. Aliens which made $198,542,554 with 59m opening, that is around 3.3-3.5x multiplier. It needs 4x or more to reach over 200m with 50m OW. And with AIW opening soon, that will definitely hurt it some, it's very likely that it could just top Get Out and stop around 185-190m.
  10. I like what ronda rousey said to a reporter who was fishing. “I think that how much you get paid should have something to do with how much you bring in.”
  11. That statement from her come after the initial reports of her team going to netflix to demand more after the deals netflix made with Dave and Chris were news.
  12. It is fine as long as you add something unique to it and make it funny, but she seems like she really doesn't try that much and you could see it through her delivery and at times which is like 90% if the time they are not funny she makes it seem like a bad joke.
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