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Everything posted by Belakor

  1. No one really cares what RT scores are, only some media and the 4 percent of the population that uses twitter. GA cares more on what other people say (Friends, family, etc.).
  2. Good, tired of these CBMs and crap franchises. You can add Star Wars and basically every DC movie since 2013 too.
  3. Yeah, Hollywood needed this lesson more sooner rather than later, you are NOT going to do millions just because of Franchise or IP brands anymore. People are more careful with their money these days, only good products are going to do good money for studios, as it should be. I hope this change in the industry also kills these "Pass the torch" films where the main character is sided just because is a white/male/badass.
  4. Woooow, that is a bad number no doubt, I do not see good holds with the current ok/mixed WOM, 200 domestic looks like its not happening, OS is not a popular franchise either, I can see it struggling to reach 400m WW.
  5. For sure, Indy is now only popular with the baby boomer generation, and most of them dont care about the franchice nowadays.
  6. BTW, if this has the same positive reception as the first one, I can see 180/240 DOM and 350/450 OS with no problem, the first film has gathered a lot of fans.
  7. This and the Creator are my must to see movies this year. So refreshing to have good looking CGI in movies after that CBM fiascos
  8. The only good Star Wars film has been Rogue One, then again it had to be filmed almost twice, The Mandalorian has already tanked, her talent to destroy Lucas Film is very surprising. WB and their chaotic DC film universe is also surprising, I guess talent is lacking in Hollywood these days.
  9. If CBMs continue the trend of doing less and less money even if they are good (GOG3, SPMV2) we could see the studios spending less and less on production and saving it for big event movies and sending more and more movies to the streaming platforms.
  10. Not really, Toby's Spiderman is far more popular and recent than Keaton's Batman. Afflecks's Batman was a hit and miss, not loved by almost everyone like Bale's. That was The Flash's mistake, relying on two not very popular interpretations of Batman, it could have done something more ambitious, like include every Batman ever or something like that.
  11. I very much doubt so, Kang is not even popular with the GA, his movie with his name on it flopped, not to mention superhero fatigue is real and really kicking in. This year proves it, not only with two major DC flops but with one with Marvel, Disney saturated its own market with mediocre productions for years now, I really see them slowing and trying to make more quality movies but who knows how long that will take. In the mean time I can see Avengers KD making 1.1B at the most and Avengers SW doing 1.5, if they can make the original Avengers cast returns (The new avengers are not as popular as the original cast).
  12. https://comicbookmovie.com/the-flash/the-flash-faces-historic-second-weekend-drop-as-spider-man-across-the-spider-verse-and-elemental-fight-for-1-a204001
  13. Yeah no way the JamesGunn verse is happening, it looks like it may if the new Superman movie is really good and makes a ton of cash. in the mean time I can see them pushing the breaks on anything but Batman related productions. Which is smart IMO, they have a talented guy making good adaptations and expanding a small Gotham universe. And yeah, someone is buying WB & DC, maybe Apple, maybe Universal, who knows.
  14. Superhero movies saturation is a real thing. Fatigue is also really kicking in. I agree, the only movie left this year that can pull a 700m or more is MI:DR GOG3 could have made 1b easily back in 2019. Marvels is going to do Quantumania numbers if its lucky.
  15. Why did they delayed Aquaman 2 so much? at this point they should just release it and be done with it. Push the breaks and let Matt do 5 shows in his Batverse. To pick up the brand and reset the DCEU mess.
  16. Not surprised at all, Tom Cruise has been aiding to reinvigorate the decaying, imaginative-bankrupt, superhero saturated movie business since a long time ago.
  17. I don't think so, aren't they so racist studios have to remove color protagonists from posters, and TLM bombed because of that?
  18. What a mess the DC brand is now, in 10 years they've made 15 movies and only 3 of them have been successful (The Batman, Aquaman, Wonder woman). At this point they should just push the hand brake and let Matt develop his Batman Universe without adding more saturation with more mediocre/bad movies (Brave and the bold, new Superman, etc.).
  19. Let's be honest, that was a good decision, probably, cancelling CW shows is also good, Cheap tv products just hurts more the DC brand like bad movies do.
  20. Sorry but this looks like a cheap CW movie, harsh truth, I saw the trailer on cinema and the CGI looks horrible. Whats with terrible CGI on CBM nowadays? the only CGI I have seen that is half decent was in The Batman.
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