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Everything posted by Belakor

  1. Since last year the CBM fatigue has really kicked in, bad products produce bad reception, is simple as that. This year the only big one could be D3 and that is not even guaranteed if the movie fails to click in. For 2025 and forward, the industry needs to bring something new or the genre it's going to suffer the same fate the 90's action flicks had. The X-Men are not huge, BO wise they have never been big. None of the previous films managed to do more than 770M
  2. Looks good, this has Cloverfield looks all over the place. Not a bad thing tho.
  3. Given that, the two protagonist of the last film are missing and this is releasing 15 years after the last one, My guess is that this movie is a soft reboot, with only Jeff Bridges returning as a cameo character, connecting the film to the others. Disney probably wants a new trilogy and series for Disney plus.
  4. Looks really ugly, and the red underwear is just so silly. Watch this crash and burn, this film is going to be the last nail in the coffin for the DC movies.
  5. I think one big reason for this is a disconnect between what audiences want vs what most studios are giving. There is little interest to see films on theaters these days. I expect a 25% drop in global box office this year.
  6. Between all the money Disney has lost in D plus and the money burnt in recent flops, I'm pretty sure all the profit of the phase 3 and 4, 5 is all but gone.
  7. 100M opening doesn't matter if the holds are abysmal, like Ant-man 3, where the OW is like 50% of the total gross. If anything that tell us the CBM is really front-loaded, most people that still care abut these movie go to see them on the first week.
  8. Yeah I can see this making good money if the public likes it. 14M / 34M for now.
  9. 100% true. DP3 is going to be marketed as such as we get closer and closer to the release.
  10. The whole cast of the film is very weak to be honest, only one medium-profile actor (Nicholas Hault), the rest are a bunch of nobodies and the usual actors he casts in this movies (Wife and Brother, what a nepotist SOAB). Probably to save money but I think the BO draw of the film depends too much on the Hero starring the show.
  11. This year has been abismal for the industry, we are almost at the middle of the year and the BO total is not even 2 billion.
  12. The last one was truly bad, its clear 0 passion was put on doing it, even the dino scenes were awful.
  13. So Toho wants to continue to milk the movie with minor releases here and there? that's why the VOD release seems so long? Not that I'm complaining, it deserves every dollar.
  14. Instead of ego-lifting his own DC universe, James Gunn should be working in a Batman-Joker movie with Robert Pattinson and Joaquin Phoenix. That would break the Avengers record, trust me.
  15. I´m going to add Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross to the Oscar buzz, the songs are perfect. Easily their best work since The Social Network. It might be the album of the year.
  16. No one cares about the "new" avengers, that's why. Without RDJ, Evans and Co. the brand is worthless
  17. My advice is to watch Alien 1 and 2 first, then Prometheus, since you are going to be more confused if you watch it first.
  18. A soft reboot its ok, Prometheus messed up the story / timeline and Covenant lowkey destroyed all the legacy of the two good movies the franchise had.
  19. They are not going to comeback anytime soon, if anything they seem to be doubling down on hiring activists and people with little to no experience with the franchises they bought to handle the projects, so it's crystal clear they will continue to alienate more and more fans. I don´t see any studio capable of filling these shoes either, WB is close but they are very weak in the CBM genre (Although it consumed itself with too many movies in the pandemic). Universal is also strong but they seem to rely more on luck than anything else.
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