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Everything posted by Belakor

  1. Spoken like a true king, they should focus on the quality in their products and not in the current social agenda
  2. https://comicbookmovie.com/thor/thor-5-rumored-to-feature-darker-tone-than-taika-waititis-movies-rogue-ones-gareth-edwards-eyed-to-direct-a208037#gs.1i57ep
  3. yeah, I do not understand why studios keep trying to make this a thing, the first two reboots showed how cheesy these characters are on the big screen.
  4. Everything is possible now, a year ago no one believed a Marvel movie with brand name was going to flop harder than John Carter.
  5. We know it had less viewers than season one, so its not a win either, on cable tv that is a flop.
  6. If they keep hiring these amateur-hack directors with little to no experience in blockbusters, I actually think the next Avenger movies can go as low as 500m WW. Raimi could be good for the franchise. Any other seasoned director, for that matter could be a good change for once.
  7. This year was a new low, both for DC and Marvel. But specially low for Marvel, outside GoG 3 every movie / show flopped with the audience. The Marvels BO shows how tired and out of touch the brand is.
  8. I don't think CBM fatigue is at its peak yet. We will see the full fatigue and dead of the genre once Cap 4 its released.
  9. If they keep hiding Amber on the promotion and the reception is good I can see this easily making 150m Dom.
  10. Nothing surprising, nowadays if the audience sees a Disney/Marvel/Pixar logo they know the movie is going to be a mediocre/agenda filled product.
  11. Monarch TV series is a blast. Best monster related content on tv since the 1998 godzilla cartoon. Very excited to see whats next for this franchise.
  12. Is DeadPool 3 going to be R rated? funny if yes. Their biggest tentpole is going to be a non family movie. This year was catastrophic, billions in loses for their movie business, hard to see any improvement next year. At this rate Disney could be bought up by Apple or some other tech giant in a very short future.
  13. CBM domine over BO officially ended this year, from now on your products have to convince audiences or you have a guaranteed flop.
  14. 190M WW should be the absolute top with these holds, holy fuck.
  15. No one cares about that show, they are going to cancel it and bring back the real Iron Man.
  16. For sure, Fantastic 4 characters are not that popular, the first 2 movies did bellow average number back in the day. The only relevant topic from this has been how long the casting has taken.
  17. There is no interest in the GA to see this, everyone who wanted to see this already did, bellow 100m dollars confirmed.
  18. The plan Marvel has or had ? with Blade sounds plain awful. Why cast a 50 plus dude with 0 experience in martial arts, I know he is a great actor but its not going to work. Thunderbolts is a movie nobody asked for.
  19. TBH looks very bad to me, like a bad SH film from 2004 or something like that.
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