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Everything posted by EmpireCity

  1. I don't agree that the reaction to the movie is mixed. I think it is very positive overall with a vocal minority screaming like children. Every point of actual data will back this up.
  2. That is usually the case. The studio might not check the rural theater as much so they can make adjustments and get away with it.
  3. I hear that certain 12 screen theaters are totally pulling shows of it so they can give more to Downsizing and Father Figures. The Last Jedi should be out of theaters by next Friday.
  4. Empire City / RTH vs. TwoMisfits Can't imagine how the other posters will decide....
  5. I'm still going to point out when you are completely full of shit.
  6. It would have been a massive bomb. Netflix is going to find out very quickly that the studio system, while antiquated and filled with flaws, works for high budget movies in many cases because of the checks and balances on directors and talent. The philosophy of throwing $100m at a "name" director and giving him creative control to make whatever he wants sounds great but you see that a lot of these guys will shit out a turd like Bright when nobody is over their shoulder telling them they are making bad decisions. Same thing happened with George Lucas. When he was within the studio system with Gary Kurtz looking over his shoulder and telling him NO and guiding him, he created some great movies. When he suddenly was on his own and he had a lackey spineless producer like Rick McCallum and nobody to say NO to him, you get the prequels.
  7. Holy Cherry Picking unequal sets of data and then revealing it, Batman! Yeah, I am done listening because your numbers don't match up, don't live in reality, are cherry picked and then presented as equal and LOL at the last sentence.
  8. How did a 12 screen theater in 2016 open Rogue One and keep the exact same number of sessions through Christmas as it had opening weekend? Show your math on that one.
  9. Right, The Last Jedi is not only making overall more money but it is making more money daily. Yet even with these concrete facts we are to believe that somehow the scheduling manager at a magic theater is looking at the numbers and saying "Hey, look at this, The Last Jedi is making MORE money than Rogue One last year but despite those facts we're going to pull shows from it because...... huh?" Either way, the whole thing is ridiculous as none this whole cockeyed story has any reality or logic behind it.
  10. Instead of making up hypothetical, let's stick with reality. How many screens does your magic theater have overall?
  11. Lol. For a second I will assume this ridiculous scenario is correct. The reality is The Last Jedi is making more money and performing above Rogue One, yet your theater has somehow decided that a movie performing above that level is suddenly a dud (despite selling better) and is voluntarily pulling shows and giving them to..... who? The under performing Greatest Showman? Downsizing? Father Figures? A mild hit of Jumanji that is performing worse than Sing? A review trashed Pitch Perfect 3?
  12. This is flat out incorrect..... and what competition? What movie is competing on a financial basis (outside of showing requirements) with The Last Jedi?
  13. You are telling me that Rogue One and The Force Awakens maintained the same session count from opening night through Christmas or longer? That is literally impossible. You have both myself and RTH telling you this isn't correct, so I will leave it up to the people to decide which side is correct here. Good luck with that.
  14. Correct. If your theater is playing Movie X 5 times per day, then they have to play Movie Y 5 times per day in the same rough time frame. Above that, if Movie X plays 20 times per day, then Movie Y still only has to play 5 times per day. That agreement usually lasts for 2 weeks in most cases and then from there if the numbers are bad, then maybe the studio allows it to split and the theater and only play 1 or 2 times per day or will be gone completely. If the numbers are good and above a certain level, then it continues to play a clean schedule. There are rare cases if a movie completely bombs after 1 week, then a theater could get out of it or only play it a few times per day the second week. That is rare and a movie has to completely fail.
  15. The Last Jedi could be making twice what it is right now and it wouldn't still lose roughly the same shows. Ferdinand wouldn't get cut at this point because theaters have to give it a clean schedule and can't take shows from it. The first opportunity theaters would have to start taking from Ferdinand would be maybe the evening of the 28th. Now that doesn't mean that theaters sometimes don't do it anyways and hope they don't get caught, but if they get caught they risk the studio pulling the movie and possibly whatever other movies they have running at the theater or triggering a penalty rate for missed shows. If a studio suspects this, they can request the projector logs and find out if the movie played or not, and if it didn't then the theater would be in trouble and in violation of their agreement. Most theaters won't pull this in the first 2 weeks of a films release, but if they have old movies hanging around they might steal a show here and there. For example on the print question, a theater might only have 2 prints of Star Wars they are obligated to show, but they can elect to put it on 10 screens if they have the room. That is what you saw happening last Thursday and Friday and is how movies get to a $200m+ opening weekend.
  16. It seems their argument and logic is because they pay 10 points less for other movies, but the logic in making that post was because he/she saw show counts going down that it meant the theater was removing them for "something better". The hilarious thing is you could see the counts drop on Wednesday, Fri-Sun and then Monday again. Huh, I wonder what could have been happening on Wednesday, Friday Monday this week and coming week that might have reduced shows??
  17. I can gladly go through the 12 pages of this thread and go post by post and show you that 85% of it is garbage. No offense, but the board relatively is made up with extreme novices that don't have a clue what they are talking about. Sure, there are some really good and knowledgeable people here and a lot of them smarter than a lot of people who get paid to do this stuff. The rest of you aren't idiots, just ignorant and instead of trying to research and learn you are taking turns trying to be more edgy and it is flat out embarrassing after a while. I'm no "industry hotshot". I'm a nobody, but I know for damn sure that 20+ years ago when I first started seriously following the industry I didn't spend my time seeing if my voice could be the loudest in the room. I spent most of my time listening, reading, learning and asking questions of people that knew more than I did. This was of course before social media existed and message boards weren't a race to see you could say the most ridiculous thing or make the snarkiest joke. It has robbed people of their sanity and intellect. I know I seem mad and annoyed on here, and often times I am. Instead of staying calm and measured in my responses, I gave that up a while ago because I had to consider the audience I was speaking to and let frustration take over. It sucks logging on day after day hoping there will be mostly rational discussion and unfortunately see the opposite and a daily thread where people are posting video misrepresenting what an actor said or opining like an expert on the box office but not having a fucking clue on how theater bookings and obligations work. It's maddening. People should be asking more questions instead of speaking as if they know what the fuck they are talking about when they don't.
  18. You literally have absolutely no clue of how any of this works and are so painfully wrong on nearly everything in this post. Your theater had 28 shows last week because it cleared out all old product from the building and had the room to show 28 shows of it as there was only 1 other movie opening (if they even carried it and likely didn't give it shows last Thursday). This week there are 7 or 8 new movies releasing and they are contractually obligated to play those new movies clean without stealing shows from them. They have half the shows gone because they have a bunch of new movies they have to play. They literally can't show more or they risk breaking their contractual obligations. They aren't "slowly removing any showing it can if it has anything better", they are following their master agreement for the new films they are obligated to open.
  19. These are perfect examples of how completely fucking intellectually lazy or even flat out dishonest people are being. She didn't say she wasn't happy with the film, she really liked it but is (as she has many times) referring to watching herself on screen. She is never happy watching herself and even reiterates that in the interview, but no, posters on here with thousands of posts try to twist it into something ridiculous and flat out wrong that "Daisy isn't happy with the film". Ridiculous.
  20. People in this thread are talking about how a $249m/$936m/$2.07b movie, a $155m/$535m/$1.06b movie and now a $220m/$700m+/$1.5b+ movie with stellar reviews and all points of data are somehow now part of a series that is a disappointment? There are a lot of people who have absolutely lost their mind.
  21. Do you have a link or researched basis proving this data that people who paid for tickets over another entertainment option will ascribe more favorable characteristics to the choice they chose vs the one they didn't?
  22. Oh, you guys are still talking about the same self driven non-data based incomplete narrative? 25 pages now? Lol.
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