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Posts posted by titanic2187

  1. 7 hours ago, Krissykins said:

     Wasn’t talking about budget, clearly said “number of people”. Which for this is glaringly less, especially after 8 years of inflation and PLF’s. 


    The problem to your argument is that movie post-covid just made less attendance. Using that point to brag about some achievement is kind of self-indulgent. Just look at how Shazam, aquaman, captain marvel all collapsed in their immediate follow-ups. In the non superhero genre like MI7 or reboot transformers, and evil dead rise, the admission likely lower than their last entry too, so it really isn’t some kind of failure for reboot ghostbusters to at least maintain the level of stable grosses.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:


    That's not what @Krissykins is saying though? If you had been following social media discussions in 2016 (you're incredibly fortunate if you missed it), the swirl leading up to GB 16 was incredibly toxic for months on end before it even opened and anybody could possibly know the quality of the actual film. The numbers that the film put up were used as some kind of justification that this is what happens when "women steal men's franchise/when grown male fans are disrespected" blah blah. Basically a precursor to "Go woke, go broke".


    So it's funny that when they brought back the OG cast now as those Lady Ghosbuster hating ppl demanded, it's doing worse than the 2016 film despite near 8 years of inflation. To be fair this is not a good release date but you'd think people who cried for months demanding for this cast would turn up in huge droves? Instead, Frozen Empire is behaving almost identically like The Marvels, a movie that the same crowd would uphold as the pinnacle of floppage without mentioning that it was the only MCU flick that the cast couldn't promote due to the strikes. So convenient and this is why regular people should never pay attention to such spinning, much less studio execs and CEOs 🥱  


    Actually a movie having less people watching in post-covid era compared to 2016-19 is a very low bar to clear for “celebration”. Pretty much every follow-ups to the movies released in 2016-19 ended up having less attendance. And isn’t GBA has significant less budget compared to GB 2016 too? Must be a success for Sony to greenlit another sequel. 

  3. About the latter, the release date came eight months after initial rollout given sensitivities to the subject matter. The opening is impressive and has driven discussion. The weekend estimate is $2.6M and has logged the biggest IMAX opening in Japan for a Christopher Nolan film. We hear that even though IMAX is a naturally big draw, the film broadened out over the weekend to more general audiences. Oppenheimer is set to become the biggest studio opening weekend of 2024 to date in the market. 


    The movie, which had a three-day bow in Japan whereas often movies start on a Saturday there, is comping above such Nolan titles as Interstellar (+109%), Batman Begins (+39%), Dunkirk (+24%) and The Dark Knight (+21%); and just behind The Dark Knight Rises (-10%), Tenet (-11%) and Inception (-48%).


    The IMAX portion is $810K on 50 screens which reps a strong 30% of the overall opening weekend total. The global IMAX total for the film now stands at $188.7M.

  4. 1 hour ago, crazydom said:

    The interview, much like the movie itself, says nothing. Garland has to go off record to say anything interesting. He doesn’t want to say anything, nor does his movie because he made a “civil war” movie scared about upsetting people.


    It’s hilarious that so many of the positive reviews out of SXSW are from liberals reading an anti-MAGA stance into the movie that clearly doesn’t exist.


    The reviews are imagining a movie that has something to say, when it has nothing to say beyond the fact that Alex Garland is a “both sides” coward and it should make everyone look more negatively on his previous work. 


    Nothing wrong of being a "both side" pleaser. In fact, people taking strong stance is the reason why our society has gotten so toxic nowadays. Everyone wants thing going their way, totally ignoring the fact the people are diverse in value.   


    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, ChiefBrody said:

    So weird how the KOTM BO has become the anomaly now in this franchise...

    I think KOTM underperforms can be attributed to post-endgame syndrome. Between EG and Aladdin collecting near 4bn, as well as Pokémon and Jw3. The moviegoers certainly felt the exhaustion in that May 2019, causing series of underperformance in June like KoTM, Pets 2, dark Phoenix, MIB 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Cookson said:

    I think a lot of people were wondering if LP being owned by Wanda would make a difference. Apparently not! 100m is t bad but yeah… decent decrease. 

    Being a half-Chinese production, Meg 2 also decrease from Meg 1 in China from 150m+ to 118m, and the sequel actually feature one of the biggest star in China- Wu Jing, which in theory, should have been a big plus point for the sequel. 


    Dune 2 recently bucked the downward trend though, but that is coming off from way lower base. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Cookson said:

    Darn… so not even the Monsterverse is immune to Hollywood drops in China. It’ll have to make up elsewhere which looks like it’ll be here in the states. I think between 500-550 worldwide is reasonable. 

    If even KFP4 collapsed more than half over there, nothing much else people can hope from this market.


    GxK could be the first Monsterverse movie since Godzilla 2014 with its domestic BO gross higher than in China. Kong, KOM and GvK all had China BO bigger than in domestic. 

  8. 18 hours ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

    Post Minus One, everyone is like, Hollywood should learn from Japan & Toho.


    Believe me, they shouldn't. 

    Lol, if a Japanese production costs 15m, there some be some labour abuse going on here but please remember, the 200m marvel films didn’t stop VFX artist in Hollywood to voice out against their exploitation too. 

    People act like working environment with Hollywood is any much better because of their massive 200m budget but the reality is, it is just isn’t. Negative news continue to surface or got worse here too in Hollywood

  9. On 3/26/2024 at 3:36 AM, Cookson said:

    I mean it’s going to be like 1b yen off Shin Godzilla. But with how well -1 did internationally, there’s no way they think -1 is not the bigger success. 

    the fact it is closing the gap to under 1b yen is already unexpected success. The whole Oscar buzz totally changed the trajectory. Before Oscar nomination the movie was around 5.5b but leg out to >7bn finish, all started 3 months after the initial release!


    HDYL on the other hand, added extra 200m into its 9.0bn, now it is looking to close at around 9.3bn. Should at least beat another Ghibli film Arriety but it still hurt the movie isn't able to cross 10bn.

  10. 3 hours ago, M37 said:

    There was plenty of data in the tracking thread that heavily indicated a lower number; the “source” aka Charlie only confirmed after the fact 


    And look, he and I don’t always agree, but he has given absolutely no reason to doubt his accuracy on reported figures in the entire time on these boards, so when he says a fudge happened, I believe it 

    He is on my ignored list

  11. 1 hour ago, wattage said:

    Lurker here! Hello.


    If a user thinks even the difference between 500k fudged and 750k fudged is too much then yes it makes sense that they would also think that fudging over a million is not believable. The internal logic is definitely there. I usually lurk on here in silence and read through the tracking and weekend/weekday threads. I'm not a tracking expert by any means I just really like seeing the process. I just wanted to share from a slightly outside perspective. 


    The 43.5 numbers, if accurate, will equalize eventually. The source is usually accurate and trustworthy. I just hope that happens soon and not with a Sony retraction 6 months from now so we can just wrap this up. And if evidence of the equalizing is posted and if it's not accepted just because of being a fan of the movie, then that can definitely be called out. Just wanted to give my 2 cents. I'm gonna disappear again now. Sorry if this felt intrusive! 


    This statement is certainly not true. Unlike publicly reported BO, which subject to peer reviews, the so-called “sources” does not face the same scrutiny and a lot of time it was just a “claim” where no one can cross examine or even bother to address. That is why I never buy that WB inflated dune preview grosses claim and i believe it is merely a round up. 

    In the case of GB, the odd ones is Saturday number , which conveniently put GB:FE above GB:A for OW and this indeed serve a “criminal” motive, especially the unusual low Monday number fit the theory. 


  12. 11 minutes ago, Squire said:

    If Sony did fudge the numbers, is there any precedence for this? That eventually has to come to light (possibly with a correction weeks from now), right?

    That depend how industry peers choose to respond. When paramount fudged their number for Transformers 2 and 4, it did cause some industry backlash and was widely reported and debated since everyone has the access to the behind the wall data know they are lying, but in the case for ghostbuster, there isn’t any noise at all, meaning the industry likely think the “margin of lying” is acceptable and isn’t too far from reported 45m.

  13. 3 hours ago, ReturnOfTheBoxOffice said:

    Holidays usually have an increase at the box office as going to the movies is usually one of those activities. Is Easter different from the norm?

    After Covid, the holiday bump, including Christmas to New year, have become generally weaker. But after the multiple strong Saturday increase, this year holiday bump could be stronger.  

  14. 1 hour ago, Squire said:

    Is that the current theory? Sony fudged the weekend numbers to make it look better?

    The Saturday number does look very odd to me because they came in way higher than estimate, almost by a million. This is unprecedented as most of the difference between actual vs estimate should be from Sunday. And Sony does have a reason to "fudge" the number so that they can have OW bigger than GB:A (45m vs 44m) but I am not sure why they think they need a million to achieve that. 


    Friday and Sunday number looks alright and sensible though. 



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