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Posts posted by titanic2187

  1. 10 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

    Definitely some rounding happened and Dune did have late shows that could have added more than say other comps. Still dont see 12m for sure unless MTC2 and Canada etc over performed big time. Did @rehpyc update from his end?

    Even with rounding up, I seriously can’t see the round up to be anything more than 300k. There just isn’t much incentive or benefit for them to round up this much and there is plenty of record that WB is ok to report a preview with decimal without having them to round up to the next round number.


  2. As long as this coming above JW4 I am good. I know the hype has been building in the past few weeks but that seem quite confined within a section of the online community and real life buzz has been lacking. Combine this with some mixed feeling over part 1 especially among general audience, that certainly cap a limit to how high this can go. That is why I never got my hope high over OW. The WOM will be great no doubt.  

  3. On 2/22/2024 at 2:12 AM, Warmaster506 said:

    Lol imagine if this an Avatar 2 came out in the same year?


    The war for VFX wins would be epic

    Dare I to say every aspect of this movie is an improvement or on par with the part 1, except VFX. Some part it just look like they hide the “less-ideal” VFX with more amazing cinematography shot or obscure lighting and filter. 

  4. 1 hour ago, IchwanBigBrother said:

    Relieved to hear this about the battle scene, although it's what I kind of expected. Villeneuve's a big proponent of "half long, twice strong" when it comes to action which probably helps keep his budgets in line too. 

    I agree the movie is action-packed and well-paced. But some of the character development and creative choices are quite rare in tentpole blockbuster, which got me very curious about just how GA would react to this rarity. On one hand GA could gave great exit score like JW4 or Logan but the movie still legs out meh because of that "uneasy" feeling. Or, this could leave some impactful impression even among those who doesn't like the movie, and allow Dune to leg out unusually well for being memorable.   

    • Like 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, kayumanggi said:



    Faith-based movie getting A+ is quite "common". Also, neither the chosen nor Jesus Revolution show crazy Tuesday surge. While I agree this could be some mini sleeper hit, but Cabrini is also coming this week to steal some Christian-moviegoers. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Last Man Standing said:

    The biggest change is that in the books there's a pretty significant time skip, Alia is a creepy child, and she kills the Baron. Personally I'm fine with this change, cause I just have a hard time seeing anyone doing Alia right, it will definitely piss some Dune fans off though, cause it has some implications. Another big change is that Chani is a skeptic, in the book she even duels his challengers when he can't be bothered, and she doesn't leave at the end of the movie. There are a bunch of smaller changes outside of these as well.

    Correct me if I am wrong, I don’t think they finish the whole dune book in this part 2 movie. Looks like they “transfer” some plot to part 3 and combine it with messiah plot. 

  7. 7 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

    This isn’t really the point though. While it’s true that the Oscar bait movies of old have fallen in less favor with the GA in the last 20 years, they still tended to be the kinds of movies that had a certain amount of inherent mainstream appeal.

    As opposed to what the Academy of the last 20 years loves to reward with the top prizes, the Crash, No Country, Spotlight, Birdman, Coda etc etc etc of the movie world that never stood a chance for major mainstream success under any time or place circumstances. The only BP winners since ROTK to really evoke the Academy of old’s tastes of dramas with notable mainstream appeal have been The Departed, Slumdog, The King’s Speech, and now Opp. 


    CODA, green book and Argo are definitely part of the old-fashioned movie that will not just get Oscar attention but bigger mainstream success. The only movie I would say it would have little chance to actually wining had they released in 80s or 90s, are Moonlight, parasite and EEAO. The rest of the winner look pretty standard and “normal” Oscar winner including spotlight and birdman. Nothing unusual or revolutionary in their victory.

  8. 15 minutes ago, TomThomas said:

    Both visuals and words are equally important, that's why even silent movies have tables with dialogues, you can't convey everything through just images.

    Visual first, words second.


    Like the opening battle scene of Saving Private Ryan, the sinking sequences in Titanic, The trinity test scene in Oppenheimer, the chasing sequences in Mad Max. Not just in action tentpoles, 2001 space odyssey, Moonlight , Roma would be totally a different things without its unique aesthetic style. Just you thought Parasite has a tight script, that movie has ton of whole lot of visual language (see that Montage scene alone) that many still didn't realise until today.


    Dennis' remark probably push the doctrine to the extreme but his idea was not without merit. People just want lazy exposition and have every info feed to them in words, slowly losing capability to appreciate art.  

  9. Just now, Krissykins said:

    Yes I agree, Huller’s character actually stays with me the most. Not a shred of remorse, a self centred nightmare. 


    And the movie has a scary disturbing music to close it off. A score that outscared me more than any other soundtrack in actual horror films. Too bad the score is left behind by the Oscar nomination, probably it played too late or too early in the movie (although this was an intentional and right creative choice)


    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, TomThomas said:

    The movie on your avatar has tons of dialogues and even some iconic lines, and you would've never put it on your avatar if nobody uttered a single word for 3 hours there.

    But would I still uttered a single words if there wasn't a visual (including the on-screen chemistry between actors)? Probably not.

    People tends to forget "A picture is worth a thousand words" has its merit, let alone a motion picture. 

  11. 7 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    The Kings Speech made around $600 mil WW adjusted to inflation btw. @titanic2187 is right in the sense that Oppenheimer being both a big financial success and a BP winner isn't that unique in the entire history of Oscar's. It's just that films like Oppenheimer don't make much money anymore.

    I think many also forgot that a lot of Best Picture winner gross this much after they got their Oscar moment.


    Like American Beauty was just 74m but Oscar made it gross another 56m to 130m. A beautiful mind was 113m up to Oscar nomination morning and gross all the way to 170m. Rain Man was 96m but Oscar double its gross to 173m. Term of Endearments was 72m but rise to 108m after Oscar and list go on and on.....


    So instead of saying Oscar pick big hit as BP winner in the past, it is more like they made some of these movie a big hit. 

    • Like 3
  12. If Nolan isn't here this year, I would say this is the best directed movie of the year. Looks cold and plotless, but meaningfully exploring its theme throughout. I especially like Huller's character, she successfully convince me she is mentally capable to stay next to the camp without feeling any remorse or guilt through her subtle display of sociopathy behaviour.  

    • Like 2
  13. 5 minutes ago, TomThomas said:

    He's objectively wrong, why we even have this conversation in the first place. Words add meaning to images, even silent movies had tables with dialogues. if he actually made a 2+ hour movie without a single word, it would've been the biggest flop of his career, it doesn't work, it would look incredibly pretentious and gimmicky, gimmick driven movies very rarely hold up. John Woo just made a movie without dialogue and it got some of the worst reviews of his career. Images, sounds and words all matter in equal meassure.

    I can just read book or screenplay itself if I want great dialogue. What made movie a movie is image and sound. 

  14. 58 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

    The Oscars were historically inclined to award a big box office hit BP all the way up until ROTK. That was when everything changed to the more “small movies” blueprint everyone associates them with today. Even A Beautiful Mind and Chicago right before ROTK were still huge box office hits that I think might both adjust over OPP DOM (haven’t done the math). 

    It was not Oscar incline to reward big box office hit for BP before ROTK, it is the talkie drama or historical piece that Oscar like to reward start losing its theatrical appeal to the masses in the past decade. The drama like beautiful mind, American beauty, rain man, unforgiven, driving miss daisy, ordinary people is not much different from Oppenheimer in term of their texture. Don’t forget the fact that Jaws lost to one flew over cuckoo nest, SW lost to Annie hall, ET lost to Gandhi, raiders of lost ark lost to chariots of fire. Every action-packed blockbuster here lost to a more quiet, talkie, small scale drama.

    Oppenheimer wining BP isn’t going to be floodgate for action-VFX flick like TGM, avatar or dune or mad max to win best picture. Oppenheimer is indeed a blockbuster like them but at the same time it is a talkie historical drama that happened to earn a lot of money like back in old days. 


    • Like 4

    Totally agree with him, I hate critics/cinephile that often bash against a well crafted and produced film due to their weaknesses in story, or known as style over substances, ignoring that movie is a audio-visual medium. We say “I’ve watched or seen a movie” for a reason. Eyes should be foremost, the sensory organ that a movie should please, whether through spectacle like avatar or mad max, or through unique aesthetic style like poor things or Roma.


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  16. 22 hours ago, filmlover said:

    I'm as much a Stone stan as anyone and will be first to admit she definitely doesn't need another Oscar this soon. I'm not surprised she might be shaping up to be the Blanchett (the immediate alternative to Yeoh last year) of this season.

    The only different is Yeoh has a amazing career behind her. Last year her campaign was not just about "first Asian best actress", it was also about celebration of her shockingly underappreciated filmography, ranging from action flick with Jackie Chan, Bond girls, Oscar-wining films like CTHD and MoG. Something that Gladstone doesn't have to further elevate her campaign.   

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