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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. I know where he pulled it from and it's not a pleasant place
  2. I didn't like the December 2017 preview, they should have waited until they had more material to show. Apparently Fox forced them to release a preview.
  3. keep praying, you'll need some power from satan if you need Avatar 2 to fail
  4. Welcome to the thread for the sequel to the highest grossing film of all time.
  5. this pretty much sums up tracking box office of a film 1 month after it's been in cinema
  6. yeah but with context TItanic has the greatest single run of all time (ALL TIME). nice try though
  7. bugs bunny would curb them both He has Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Regeneration (Mid-Godly; Scaled to Tweety and Daffy, who can instantly return after being erased), Flight, Reality Warping, Teleportation, Toon Force, Plot Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Time Travel, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Lightning Manipulation, Body Control, Mind Control, Magma Manipulation, Telekinesis, Gravity Manipulation, BFR, Data Manipulation , Immortality, Duplication (, Text Manipulation (Both inside and outside of fiction), Weapon Mastery, Dream Manipulation, Dimensional Storage, Resistance to Mind Manipulation and Void Manipulation (Can survive in a void), Martial Arts (Has some experience with boxing and wrestling), Resurrection, Elasticity, Resistance to Gravity, Sleep, Darkness, and Fire Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction (Can hit intangible beings), Can put out hellfire from Devil Daffy, Magic , Transmutation (Turned bullets into flowers), Sand Manipulation (with Acme Quicksand), Shapeshifting (As shown here), Immersion (Can bring characters and objects from fictional works), Causality Manipulation (Granted and undid a wish that altered history) and Acausality (Type 1; Was unaffected by that wish and like Wile.E Coyote, should be unaffected from having a previous page of his own story altered), Preparation (As shown here), Cloth Manipulation (Can instantly wear his disguise by spinning around), Telepathy, Illusion Creation with the Mirror, Empathic Manipulation (As shown here), Biological Manipulation (Can use magic to change other people's hair and nail model. Can turn into a vampire version of himself. Has changed the structure of people's jaw and teeth), Life Manipulation, Plant Manipulation (with Magic Hat), Invisibility (with invisibility potion), Supernatural Luck, Void Manipulation (Can erase living beings with a giant pencil), Creation , Technological Manipulation , Sleep Manipulation (Can use hypnosis to put others to sleepand put himself with pills at 3:02), Attack Reflection (As shown here), Age Manipulation, Size Manipulation , Transformation (with Hyde juice) | All previous powers enhanced, plus Enhanced Senses, Heat Vision, Super Breath, Solar Energy Absorption, BFR with Phantom Zone Projector, Size Manipulation with Size Ray
  8. I mean I could see why they would said that if he had made the highest grossing film of all time just once, but twice though? Soon to be thrice.
  9. TFA was an average movies relying on nostalgia to bump it up for Star Wars fans. One of Jim's trademarks is making a film that stands on it's own two feet and doesn't need ANY prior knowledge going into it. I promise you TFA is bland as hell for none sws fans. Jim's TFA would have, Ground breaking visuals. Kickass story with big payout and TRADEMARK final act (something TFA definitely didn't have.) Actual emotional scenes Incredible action sequences on huge a scale Honestly it's not even a comparison and am quite frankly shocked you can't see that.
  10. People are probably thinking you can't be the highest grossing film of all time without being original. Nah you got it backwards, without jim we riddled by sequels. The Force Awakens could have beat Avatar if it was directed better and was groundbreaking. Jim's TFA would have made 3b
  11. Jim is aiming to beat Avatar and I believe in him, why wouldn't you? I mean he made the highest grossing film of all time as an original film, not once, but twice though? Highest grossing non Jim film has been franchise films for ages. Now we'll see Jim's unlimited power unleashed with a sequel to the highest grossing film of all time.
  12. Going to show these Reddit meme jokers the true meaning of a cultural phenomenon not limited by US onlym
  13. Possibilities are endless. Imagine the sort of airhead you have to be to say Avatar has no where left to go.
  14. Why are they hunting sea creatures? I can only speculate but I reckon they found a valuable sea creature.
  15. I'm not surprised. It's Avatar on steriods the scope is larger. That said I'm glad we will get to see new Jim machinery. Possibly a battleship and a shit load of tanks.
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