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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Lego ~35m right? If Alita was opening on a Friday it would be in the bag, due to opening thurs could be close
  2. Lmao Alita's going to do bad in the UK because a screen in the scottish highlands isnt at full capacity!! How about some actual info Alita did better than HTTYD on Thurs
  3. Where are those who thought Alita wouldn't even be number 1 on its OW due to lego movie! Hmmmmmpf!
  4. Also I think EXTREME JOBS has been keeping Alita down... still reckon $30m is gonna happen.
  5. 240k on SAT http://koreanfilm.or.kr/eng/news/boxOffice_Daily.jsp?mode=BOXOFFICE_DAILY Revenue share has been rising each day which seems like good WOM. Smallest % GAP between Extreme Jobs and Alita yet. looks to be a $10.5m tues-sunday opening.
  6. seems like your floor would make Jim have the 6 highest grossing films of all time under his belt.
  7. hope Lego tanks so people take their kids to see Alita! Very soon everyone. Weekend thread is hijacked by the Cameron gang.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p06zfdwr/movies-with-ali-plumb-james-cameron-movies-that-made-me 38 minutes with Jim!! This link prob only works for UK so check youtube for re-upload I'll watch that clip every month once... by they're going to eat those words
  9. Check out the OST on spotify its so damn good. They should have made it louder or something in the film.
  10. Was fine for me. Commentary for all American sports are cringey.
  11. In the OVA he's lost his mind and is babbling to his self... in the film he seems too calm for someone climbing a death pipe
  12. a little scene of Hugo losing his mind and starting to climb the pipe, a the backstory earlier in the film. Just try to flesh out his thoughts and why he does what he does and his internal struggle about it. Then again, this is Alita's film right? Listen the film is great and Hugo worked well, cute little romance but Hugo just isn't fleshed out enough. Alita, Zapan and IDO are all perfect imo.
  13. Yeah no Hugo backstory. Great film, amazing action, great visuals but not quite Jim, solid 8/10 best comic film I've seen in a long long time if not ever. Going super spoiler in here now be warned. The film lacks Jim's emotional punch. Hugo was a good character and works well, problem was the emotional scenes just didn't have the regular Jim level of heart wrenchingnes. dog death scene I didn't feel much of a reaction from Alita. wanted some anger or sadness Doesn't show Hugo's back story or insanity when he loses his body and climbs the pipe. Hugo and Alita still worked well, but it's the wasted potential, it could have been so much more. Flesh out Hugo's character a bit more and show how Zalam consumes him and his inner turnmoil. I thought Ido and Alita combo worked perfect no need to improve. The Wire Cutter scene in the underground was incredible... the dodging of the blades is just so satisfying to watch. Motorball is just incredible too.
  14. Hooo feasby! We knew that already if you had a keen eye! You can see the snowy moutains in the flight of passage video.
  15. Step back Star Wars, let me show you how to put a women in charge done right.
  16. I haven't watched it yet but wow! That was incredible. On my way to the cinema, spoil away folks.
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