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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. I've got a sneaky feeling it will big enough to keep the December 2021 slot.
  2. No hard feelings in that thread by the way, we should probably stick to Alita next time.
  3. @Deep Wang Looks like we got the Alita thread locked 😬 You can't recieve PMs by the way? Is that a bug or?
  4. Box Office reddit seems to think Avatar 3 might be moved from 2021 to accomdate Star Wars.
  5. Jim says this is his manhatten project, I fully expect a teaser only to be dropped when it's ready. So who knows, what I do know though is that teaser will blow minds.
  6. The problem is the commercial first films are by and large much worse. The same thing can seen in Gaming as commercialisation is becoming more and more prominent. We have the quality of games tanking and there's just not much heart in it anymore. To see this at it's absolute worst we can look towards Mobile Gaming which were somewhat respectable 5-8 years ago, now it's a complete mess and everything is pay to win, in game currencies and horrible ads. Whose to say they won't try similar stuff in the film industry? All the big budgets are going to sequels/remakes in studio/money first productions. How long until all the medium budgets are doing it? With the trajectory we're on I won't be suprised if we see small popup ads MID FILM by 2030 and full screen ads by 2040.
  7. Nothing wrong with wanting a film to fail, I would hate for people to be taken for fools by the mega corps. We need to fight back and only support films which are made with heart by Directors and people with passion.
  8. Hahahaha. Is it a new trailer thing or the one posted on Yahoo? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/james-cameron-way-experience-alita-battle-angel-cinemas-exclusive-135939388.html
  9. You're right of course, it was a trick question. Well done Tele good spot, you pass.
  10. I would reccomend The Hollywood Reporter interview with Tim Miller and Jim would like to have your doubts about T6 removed. It's a great interview too.
  11. With every watch I come to enjoy Avatar more, it's super comfy to me now. It's made crawled it's way up my Jim films list behind only T2 and Aliens now.
  12. Tell me, how many sequels were created in a time period while Jim owned the rights?
  13. Alita Terminator 6 Avatar 2 Avatar 3 Alita 2 Terminator 7 Avatar 4 Avatar 5 Welcome to the lightstorm era
  14. you can't generalise in 2019 Deep Wang! Also. 1. Avatar 2. Terminator 2 3. Aliens 4. Titanic 5. The Terminator 6. The Abyss 7. True Lies With the obivious caveat that True Lies is a tippity top notch movie.
  15. Notice Tele ignores my Jim is a genius comment because he agrees but he doesn't want to be involved in my lunacy.
  16. Jim's incredible, it will be interesting to read up on his endavours! It's absolutely not ludicrus to think Jim is smarter than the majority of real scientists. Firstly your use of real makes me think you're trying to raise the bar of the majority of scientists, when the definition of scientist is already defined. Secondly don't underestimate Jim. At the gym thinking of Jim so i'll let JCS give a quick rundown of Jim's genius if you please@JamesCameronScholar
  17. Don't blame your own actions on others! My view of you is based on what you say in the threads I frequent, where you take the contratarian view assumingly because you don't like my loud mouthing.
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