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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. No Reprisals of TV roles. - If the actor played the role on TV first it is not okay. Remakes/reboots are fine. (So Shatner Cpt Kirk is not okay, but Chris Pine Kirk is allowable.) This rule is confusing.. Is Goku allowed? 😖
  2. “It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what." -Stephen Fry
  3. I think the problem is that his jokes are unfunny which just makes them disturbing.
  4. You're sending me mixed messages here KJ I just don't know what to do with you...
  5. if you get two 1.3b WW hits in one year you've almost made as much as Avatar!
  6. Ant-Wasp and the Bee's numbers
  7. you're right, probably a 30% increase
  8. Less than 20% drop from the first, maybe an increase.
  9. I don't think Jim's at the panel so it won't be perfect! Alita is confirmed to soar to over a billie though that much is certain.
  10. Hero! I think you'll really enjoy the Alita film when it's out.
  11. you'll look back on this when Alita's huge
  12. You're a madman pulling a prank like that
  13. the dumb anime made Gohan job... manga is the only canon
  14. Dudlap is out to hate any director who isn't filming a Marvel film! First Jim now Snyder??? And Jim's neighbour in Mel Gibson aswell...
  15. oh wait so it's a tv show? That makes more sense
  16. Now she's the best Disney Princess Not really sure if this is a parody post but new Star Wars has been really bad! Jim and Locust are very disappointed in it.
  17. oh dear that Titans looks horrible
  18. James Cameron almost started the western comic book scourge himself with Spiderman and is about to do the same for manga.
  19. Pretty sure you'll get to see a few scenes from the movie, the first trailer (other one was a teaser) is debuting on Monday so you might get to see that before everyone else too.
  20. Comic book movies are on the decline are getting stale. Don't worry... leave it to me.
  21. another one for the ChipMunky cringe compilation.
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