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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. I was just going by the Capturing Avatar making of, I must be misremembering! EDIT: Yeah you're right Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia on the VFX for Avatar: The lead visual effects company was Weta Digital in Wellington, New Zealand, at one point employing 900 people to work on the film. Because of the huge amount of data which needed to be stored, cataloged and available for everybody involved, even on the other side of the world, a new cloud computing and Digital Asset Management (DAM) system named Gaia was created by Microsoft especially for Avatar, which allowed the crews to keep track of and coordinate all stages in the digital processing. To render Avatar, Weta used a 10,000 sq ft (930 m2) server farm making use of 4,000 Hewlett-Packard servers with 35,000 processor cores with 104 terabytes of RAM and three petabytes of network area storage running Ubuntu Linux, Grid Engine cluster manager, and 2 of the animation software and managers, Pixar's Renderman and Pixar's Alfred queue management system. The render farm occupies the 193rd to 197th spots in the TOP500 list of the world's most powerful supercomputers. A new texturing and paint software system, called Mari, was developed by The Foundry in cooperation with Weta. Creating the Na'vi characters and the virtual world of Pandora required over a petabyte of digital storage, and each minute of the final footage for Avatar occupies 17.28 gigabytes of storage. To help finish preparing the special effects sequences on time, a number of other companies were brought on board, including Industrial Light & Magic, which worked alongside Weta Digital to create the battle sequences. ILM was responsible for the visual effects for many of the film's specialized vehicles and devised a new way to make CGI explosions. Joe Letteri was the film's visual effects general supervisor.
  2. Real talk? The way she speaks irratates me, I dislike most youtubers because I find thier acts obnoxious. This forums grace is the best tho
  3. Chances are on this site that you're one of those who watch every comic book film, kind of odd to imply 4 is too many.
  4. 1A is equal to 2.78 billion dollars. Would you call people dollars?
  5. Eurovision and the Super bowl are lightweight More than one billion fans tuned in to watch the final of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™, with the competition reaching a global in-home television audience of 3.2 billion people
  6. imagine making it 3 weeks in and still not knowing the memes in question, it would be like the only place on the internet you visit is this thread.
  7. looking like $200m opening weekend for China isn't locked any more, it's going to be close! Grace is queen
  8. Assuming that it makes $1b Domestic and the US dollar continues it's paths current page and degrades another 5-10%, what would these make? Overseas - China: China:
  9. Just who the hell do you think I am MovieMan? I've been entertaining $4b for a while now. It's as simple as this, if it becomes the highest grossing Domestic film, it makes $4b.
  10. It's funny how a stand alone film with no existing fandom can go onto become the highest grossing film of all time. Kind of funny how everything needs to be a sequel of a sequel to even get close to Jim.
  11. The thing about Jim's film is that everyone loves them. I mean let's be honest A2 is going to gross at least 1.2A, how will you reconcile for that?
  12. basically turbo nerds on the internet, hard pressed to find any member of the GA whose heard of AO3
  13. how many of the top 5? No other franchise have the highest grossing film of all time, wow! incredible
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