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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Oh god not another @EmpireCity vs Jimbo episode... yes he gives numbers but is an ass and yes I'm annoying as hell... we get it. I'll still shake any of your hands at the midnight release to be honest.
  2. I mean... if you want to talk about a film re-released 11+ times over 60 years in a time before home cinema go ahead, but comparisons to modern blockbusters won't be useful.
  3. I'm not going to ask you to go out of your way to read up on Avatar but trust me when I say there's scientific thought behind everything you see in Avatar. Unobtainium is actually a science fiction trope, it's name originates from a real term used by engineers to describe any rare or hard to find material that has the properties needed to fulfil a given design. An Avatar is a Human/Na'vi genetic hybrid grown in tank that is genetically keyed to its respective human controller to allow for psionic link. The film asks the question "what it means to be human" through the Jake and his Avatar, a classic science fiction question. From the human technology to the Pandoran biology everything in Avatar has had thought put into it. We got interstellar space travel, Avatars, Na'vi USB-link (queue), eywa, transferral of consciousness, cyrotanks, mechs... it's all science fiction baby. Now if you want to pretend Avatar put little effort into the science as is pure space escapism like Star Wars or Guardians of the Galaxy you're (to quote @JamesCameronScholar) patently false.
  4. What happened with China? A few days ago people were predicting sub-300m. The OS-Russua-China part seems wrong
  5. The thing is that Avatar is the creation of just one man, he has to do everything from design to the scripts, it's really a mammoth task he's taking on for the benefit of us mortals. Also don't forget he's been busy with certain tasks like leading a team to design and build a submarine to dive deeper than anyone every before with Challenger deep, he drove it himself by the way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenger_Deep
  6. they're letting the big opening weekend faze their minds, it's like they're expecting a 40% drop or something
  7. Hey don't mind me I just snap at the chance to say not once but twice though whenever I can
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