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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. There are some really good stuff in here, and a lot of accurate analysis of TFA's potential legs. Just not many people thinking it would OW to nearly 250M.
  2. Props. Man...some of those posts are crazy in hindsight.
  3. I was raised without religion, never really picked up the Jesus allegory in the first Narnia book. AWiT has the song praising the Lord, and the first warrior of light the kids name out is Jesus. It isn't religious-y story, but it has tones.
  4. That's some hot takes you have their. careful not to burn yourself.
  5. 200K more for Ragnarok and @ReyReyBattery will be happy
  6. I'm still in the idea of 20M, give or take 400K. (Today was 800K under my guess. :D)
  7. I think the issue is, no one quite gets why you pointed it out. You said, twice, it'd be wise to wait for actuals. If discussing these #s isn't the unwise thing to do, what do you mean by wise to wait for actuals? It feels...nonsensical, and that's the reason this has blown up.
  8. TFA and RO basically made 50/50. (well, TFA was 45/55, but close enough) SW looks like it's going to keep that pattern for TLJ too, pretty much just an even 50/50 split with slight variations.
  9. Not 100% sure why we should wait. unless Rth is massively wrong on the # it's accurate enough to discuss, and make predictions/discuss for the weekend.
  10. Are people actually, with all serious intent, quibbling about 500K difference between what we get from Rth? I mean, I get wanting as accurate as possible, but...I mean...I don't have words.
  11. I mean, I didn't say it was great. I just said it isn't bad. It's not a number to scoff at, just because expectations puts it at 800M. 600M still puts it in the top 50 OS grosses of all time...
  12. This talk of OS for TLJ, and I'm still not sure how 500-600 is a bad # OS.
  13. Kiki is cute, very typical slice of life Miyazaki. curious which version you're watching of it.
  14. I didn't dispute that. Just that we don't know how SW will be seen OS in 40 years, so it isn't fair to try and compare how it's perceived now and expect it to be the same. (It may get even worse, I don't know, but I doubt it stays still)
  15. No, we don't. We have nothing comparable to a 200+ opening in DEC other than TFA. We have nothing comparable to a 150+ opening in DEC besides TFA and RO. I don't think two datapoints is enough data to analyze what is or isn't good for a multi off a weekend this high. And I think comparing it to films that made less than 100M OW is foolish. but that's my opinion.
  16. and 40 years of exposure OS may change OS perception of SW. Who knows what 40 years will bring.
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