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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. ...it looks like amongst the sports stuff last night there was a Raegr incident? I miss the best deleted things.
  2. And to undercut any emotion weight this had, he was just chased back and onto the porch...
  3. To make a surprisingly complicated story short. About six months ago I ended up with a baby duck. He had suffered from pneumonia and almost died. To help I've been taking care of him since. He's old enough today to be released. So now I'm watching him wander off with other ducks and be free. I'm gonna miss him.
  4. It seems my film for the evening was chosen for me. I am seeing the Commuter.
  5. Debating on Molly's Game or Lady Bird tonight. I don't feel like the drive to go find I, Tonya. Any suggestions?
  6. I know it's coming. I didn't see it in any honorable mentions. Just trying to spark conversation away from TLJ
  7. I almost think TLJ's performance is impossible to judge, as to whether disappointment or not, at the moment. That said, is Justice league a failure or a disappointment?
  8. Did you read what I said, or are you stuck on a talking point because you don't want to admit you made a mistake?
  9. Maybe you should have said that instead of calling it dumb logic, because you forgot more than single people go see movies, and that a family of 5 can spend upwards to a 100 dollars to go see a movie. Some people actually have to save up for things like that.
  10. Yeah. Totally. That's what it costs a family with 2/3 kids to go see a movie.
  11. *checks moviepass website* Oh hey, it jumped to 9.95.
  12. Because going to the theater can be expensive, and not everyone can afford to spend that kind of money on a whim.
  13. Spielberg, Streep, Hanks, important part in US press history. A+. Thanks to my own biases that was my grade before seeing it. It's still my grade afterwards. But I fully admit that I could never be objective about this film.
  14. I'm biased, but having grown up in a newspaper family, I fully enjoyed this movie.
  15. Curious if it's going to be an Anthology kind of show. I'd love that more than a main character week to week.
  16. Either that, or they want to surprise us with a Tom Holland end credit scene.
  17. Hey...if we got to swallow BR2049 as a fail, we have to swallow BATB as a win. It's the painful facts of life.
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