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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. 'S all good. No need to apologize. Europa is good as hell. Really recommend that. Visually one of the most unique and impressive films I've ever seen, and with a solid story too. The Idiots didn't leave a lasting impression on me one way or the other but I can see how one could hate it. Yeah I can't wait for Climax now. I'm a fan of I Stand Alone and Irreversible, but didn't much care for Enter the Void and never even summoned enough interest in Love to watch it. He pretty much risked becoming completely irrelevant if he didn't deliver with this one so I was really happy reading all the positive reactions.
  2. Speaking of just LVT I'm a big fan of Breaking the Waves, Antichrist and Europa. Still haven't seen Dancer in the Dark and Dogville. Only really disliked the first Nymphomaniac, enough that I didn't even bother with the second.
  3. You're already tripping over yourself right there. How can you decisively state that this movie is a glorification of anything, when you haven't seen it? Hell, I'm sure that even different people who HAVE seen it have different views of what it glorifies or not, and to what extent. You can't define a work's attitude towards its subject matter for "society as a whole", because, again, audience members process works differently, and even if someone does think this is "glorification of murder" it doesn't necessarily make their opinion more valid than that of someone who feels the opposite. Sure but I don't see the point of taking this to hypothetical territory. And basing your judgment on the amount of those that walked out is not a good strategy either. I can just as easily argue in response that maybe Von Trier's way of depicting that scene was right based on the amount of people that stayed in the theater. Except that neither of us actually knows enough to judge. As one critic pointed out, far more than 100 people walked out of Irreversible at its original Cannes screening, and that's an acclaimed film that many see worth in. I don't think I speak just for myself when I say that we other film enthusiasts aren't little children who need to be protected from the dastardly Lars von Triers of the world and their cinematic provocations. You aren't the only one who've spent years developing a personal morality. We can watch something like this and deal with it in our own way. We'll be OK. I promise.
  4. Blade Runner has one of the greatest worlds ever created for/suggested in a movie but Deckard as a protagonist does nothing for me whatsoever so there's never been that crucial connection there. I like revisiting it every few years and taking in the sights and sounds but it'll probably never be a favorite.
  5. Yes, although I don't think that would automatically make the scene itself or the movie surrounding it worthless and devoid of interest. It's important to remember that in the end this is all make-believe. We aren't talking about actual snuff films here. The public is composed of individuals and every individual determines for themselves where a line gets crossed. The "public" as a "whole" can't "rightfully" do anything because that would inherently mean disregarding the positions of - even forcibly silencing - a major part of said public. On the contrary, here it's you and only you who have decided where the line should be and now you want "the public" to cater to your position. Nope. Not gonna happen. You haven't seen that scene. You don't know how much meaning there may or may not be in it. The fuck? This is just condescension. Don't assume you know better than those people, especially in this case when they've actually seen and processed the film and you're only relying on second-hand reports and your own outrage. Don't rush to take the moral high ground. And don't talk about what "we" should or shouldn't do in this case because you aren't speaking for me.
  6. Mutilation of women and children is a crime. A fictional work - of cinema, literature, painting, etc. - depicting mutilation of women and children is art because all those are mediums of art by definition. It can be great art or terrible art, depending on a whole bunch of factors, but that it's art is kind of a given.
  7. I don't think that part in the brackets is gonna happen, at least in our lifetimes. I think the first half is Hitchcock at his absolute peak but it suffers when it basically changes protagonists entirely. By the end it's definitely not as emotionally involving as Vertigo or Rear Window or even Shadow of a Doubt for me. So yeah right there with you.
  8. And why shouldn't they if they personally don't connect with it for that reason? Times change, so does culture and people's relationship to it. These things aren't set in stone forever. And with The Princess Bride, it's neither a sacred text nor are people suddenly denying it all its virtues, all that's being said is that it's kind of an oversight when you go so far as to name your entire movie after a character and yet she barely does anything in it.
  9. I love the first three seasons of Monty Python's Flying Circus more than any of their movies. But anyway they're the best.
  10. This has been done I think. Check out these PTA increases on Superman Returns way back when Aug 4–6 14 $2,158,227 -43.0% 1,710 -295 $1,262 $190,176,570 6 Aug 11–13 18 $1,242,461 -42.4% 750 -960 $1,656 $192,594,159 7 Aug 18–20 21 $848,255 -31.7% 383 -367 $2,214 $194,165,746 8 Aug 25–27 21 $780,405 -8.0% 311 -72 $2,509 $195,388,237 9 Sep 1–3 18 $874,141 +12.0% 281 -30 $3,110 $196,576,057 10 Sep 1–4 19 $1,115,228 +42.9% 281 -30 $3,968 $196,817,144 10 Sep 8–10 23 $453,273 -48.1% 241 -40 $1,880 $197,430,626 11 Sep 15–17 24 $386,424 -14.7% 144 -97 $2,683 $198,008,105 12 Sep 22–24 28 $301,373 -22.0% 124 -20 $2,430 $198,447,055 13 Sep 29–Oct 1 22 $403,377 +33.8% 410 +286 $983 $198,935,940 14 Oct 6–8 24 $296,502 -26.5% 388 -22 $764 $199,394,532 15 Oct 13–15 26 $216,430 -27.0% 348 -40 $621 $199,732,905 16 Oct 20–22 34 $173,300 -19.9% 303 -45 $572 $200,006,305 17 Oct 27–29 55 $40,505 -76.6% 41 -262 $987 $200,069,408 18
  11. Rampage was never getting to 100m after its drop against IW. And it's a little wild to me that so many people here now seem to believe that a movie can get to like 95-96m and from there on it can be fudged. I mean A Wrinkle in Time just proved how much that can backfire and even that was an exceptional case in the first place.
  12. I mean that, without his list counted, Avatar would have been way below #100 on this list. It got 10 points from him alone.
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