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Posts posted by Arlborn

  1. 16 hours ago, Masketta Man said:

    As expected Marvel Studios is just doing the wrong decisions with this project so a R rating will be just the cherry on the top.

    Forgive me as I’m not very familiar with the source material, but are you saying it isn’t fit for an R-rated adaptation? Is the general impression that this is Marvel’s version of a Suicide Squad wrong then?

  2. 18 minutes ago, 21C said:

    How tf is it illegal to try to make a profit.



    Such an odd question. There are literal thousands of ways to make profit illegally.


    Not that this would be illegal necessarily, although it probably should considering that eventually we'll end up with only 2 or 3 relevant studios for all of Hollywood. Ain't that gonna be fun? Yep, so much fun.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    I'd add Aquaman 1, Shazam 1, the Snyder Cut and The Suicide Squad to that list. Only 5 truly great movies out of 12 (I have no plans to touch the original Suicide Squad and Josstice League, and Aquaman 2 is not out here at the time of writing) is not a good run to say the least. The Snyder Cut was the perfect sendoff to this franchise for me, and everything afterwards feels like expensive fanfiction to me. I wonder if anyone else feels this way.

    I actually agree that the Snyder Cut was probably the perfect way to end this universe, for oh so many reasons. 

    Finally seeing the full unaltered vision for this universe of the guy who started it all really should have wrapped up this universe.

    1 hour ago, DAJK said:

    Reminiscing on the DCEU, it’s got a ton of misses but also some pretty solid entries. Man of Steel I will defend forever I think it’s great. Wonder Woman is awesome, as is Shazam 1. Birds of Prey is fun, as is TSS. I even argue that, VFX aside, The Flash is a great movie (mostly due to its script). Although Flash feels like it would have been a much better “end” to the DCEU since it sorta ended where it began.

    Batfleck was a good choice, Cavill was born to play Superman, Gadot is a great Wonder Woman and Momoa killed it as Aquaman. And Robbie as Harley obviously.

    There were so many movies to like, enjoy or even love in this universe, it’s crazy how so many people mistake controversial for hated. Or rather, many movies were hated by many but also loved by many, but I guess it’s easier to focus on the hate.


    A lot of genuinely good CBMs that came out from this universe also get buried by being connected to this very controversial universe, which is a pity.


    None of Wonder Woman, Aquaman 1, The Suicide Squad, Shazam 1 and Blue Beetle have any reasons to be hated beyond being connected to the rest. 

    Even the most controversial ones have lots of people who really really enjoy them.


    In the end, a lot of bad decisions just buried the good with the bad.



    • Like 1
  4. When talking about the lack of actors doing press stuff for this, I think it’s a good idea to keep in mind the Amber Heard situation, as well as the end of the DCU situation.


    Definitely awkward topics to come up in an interview.


    Maybe that’s the reason why all I have seen from them promoting it so far is stuff where they could stay more in control of what was being said, like the SNL hosting, the puppies skit, etc


    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, ando said:







    Since when do we care about what people outside of the BO world say? They really shouldn't be taken seriously enough to analyze their position in any serious way. It's like a toddler talking about adult matters, they really don't understand the nuances of it.


    2 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

    Please point me to 1 (one) post from the thread where people said TCP will have bad reviews and reception. I sure as hell don't remember anyone saying that at all.

    It's somewhere in the Buzz thread iirc

  6. 14 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    Not sure I want to open this can of worms, but I really, really liked The Flash. Visual effects aside, I thought the screenplay was really solid. 

    I'm honestly easy to please when it comes to blockbusters, but the subpar CGI coupled with Ezra's punchable face distracted me way too often throughout the movie. I think it's actually the first time bad CGI in a blockbuster took me out of it, I'm usually very forgiving.


    It's hard for me to be objective about the story itself, although I suppose it mostly worked, but I'll say the very ending was a bit mid. Even if the CGI was great and Ezra wasn't an asshole, I'm not sure how much more praise it would be getting.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

    Both Paddington are before verified era. I did expect a little better tbh but it might also just be worth considering americans just care and like this one less than their overseas and especially european counterparts. Paddington 2 had an 82% OS ratio may I remind lol

    Oh yeah, I forgot about the verified audience scores being more recent.


    The OS ratio for Paddington is very understandable, it's incredibly British and has never really crossed the atlantic. This IP is much more well known in America though obviously, so it should do a lot better than just 20ish % of the gross. We will see soon enough though.

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