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Everything posted by MrGamer

  1. I think they can pull off something like Destroyer, but it just wouldn't have as many characters running around. You can still have League members doing jobs, while Superman fights Darkseid. I would love for Cavill's Superman to give the "I've been holding back" speech to Darkseid.
  2. Finished JL Unlimited. Last season was awesome and dark too. Last episode was epic. I want Justice League 2 to be just like that.
  3. Saw Thor. I enjoyed it. The cast was really good (good to finally see Hemsworth get a chance to loosen up as Thor). The comedy was fine, but not every joke landed for me. However, I think the humor worked better here than in Guardians 2. Definitely the best Thor movie by a mile.
  4. Since I got around to seeing Thor, I'll add my rankings: Logan: 9.5/10 WW: 9/10 SM:H: 8.25/10 Thor: 7.5/10 Guardians 2: 7/10
  5. Fuck, that's terrible. Sorry for your loss.
  6. You're going to be a terrible last line of defense if the Kiwis really do try to take over this site.
  7. The Kiwi World Order is upon us.
  8. But Ethan has the maturity of a 21 year old.
  9. Hot Take: @Ethan Hunt would make a better mod than @WrathOfHan.
  10. This is the movie we need, but don't deserve.
  11. Yup, he would rather let his kids starve (yeah) than swallow his pride and work with The Rock.
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