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Everything posted by RRA

  1. Seeing shakey smartphone recorded scenes on YT and that’s the best you can hope for until it hits digital/D+ will almost make me think maybe nature is healing…
  2. Let’s also remember that Chapek more or less put Eternals’ theatrical release date on the shoulders of SC, the first MCU origin movie featuring a title character in their first appearance in that universe since Doctor Strange 5 years ago. A lot put on the shoulders of a 1970s-originated D list superhero, Nevermind in the wake of BW’s performance and the thinkpiece gold that produced. so yeah, no day and date crap for Eternals.
  3. IW/EG I would compare to ESB/ROTJ. Former has a downbeat ending, sequel has uplifting conclusion to a “saga.” I can see why when THR polled industry folks their favorite movies the last few years, EG made it but not IW. IW’s opening night was fascinating. Coming out my crowd’s feeling was equitable to a funeral. Yet that ending had a GOT red wedding buzz effect on social media where you HAD to see it. And instead of a downer ending potentially hurting legs (ESB is the lowest grossing OT entry) that must see buzz just added to its appeal. Still one of the damnest things I’ve seen as movie viewer/nerd culture and box office observer. EG as payoff to that (and 20 whatever MCU movies up to that point) reaped nicely to say the least. (could IW long term be seen eventually as better than EG? Possible. We must remember ROTJ had a better initial reception than ESB.)
  4. Possible. I think we’re assuming SW because Russos had said the one project that would get them back into the MCU would be SW. as for ScarJo: (1) she’s doing the ole Union strike trick of demanding the whole bakery to get that one load of bread. (2) pre-plague, many BOT folks had pegged BW as a billion dollar film. So I can see how she guesstimated that plausible estimate.
  5. Its weird too we've had people throw babies in the air for the OWs for the other recent big budget Disney films Free Guy and Jungle Cruise, and SC is going to smoke them.
  6. Obviously and it'll probably work. Look at how many people threw babies in the air for the OW numbers that (other recent Disney-owned releases) Free Guy and Jungle Cruise because they beat tracking.
  7. If we learned anything from Snakes Eyes, its that just maybe the streamers won't buy anything (garbage) from the studios.
  8. If Shang-Chi has a perceived good OW, will Sony pull the trigger?
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