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Everything posted by RRA

  1. I still remember MOS being certified fresh for a coffee break lol (was WW84 ever certified with those initial reviews before it’s epic dive?)
  2. Yeah it was dumb, but I’m more upset with the “journalist” burning her (their source) for a brief click flood. (And idiotic since what persona in the inside would now be tempted to share stuff like that with YOU after this?)
  3. What’s funny is I actually agree with you that they can do better than Watts. But it’s also not end of the world for me that he sticks around.
  4. That’s one way of looking at it. Another is his last two movies for them got good reviews (both 90s on RT) and were hits, the last one doing a billion bucks? They seem to get along. Why rock the boat? (What bookkeepers would want to?) As for FF, who knows maybe he delivered a FF pitch which knocked their socks off and a guy who they trust is a bonus in making a Marvel IP on film successful for once finally despite a lengthy pathetic track record?
  5. It’s one thing to want a trailer out. It’s another when people obnoxiously wouldn’t STFU about it for months. That can make even a lifelong Spidey fan grumpy sometimes. FTR I had predicted on these boards Sony would have Tobey and Andrew on that first trailer. Opps. Oh well, at least I can laugh at the Internet’s blue balls.
  6. Seeing people disappointed about no Toney or Andrew and I gotta say: serves Internet right for demanding this trailer for months endlessly. 😄
  7. Sorry I thought you meant IM3. When I see those first two initials and TWS together, I freudianly associate 2013/14 collectively together.
  8. I’m surprised he didn’t also make fun of King Kevin’s balding while he was at it. Talk about the same town producing both the heights and lows of the film industry.
  9. Yeah those are insane numbers. I’m really curious why it’s pulling in the normies. Sure the MCU brand is part of it, but what else is it? That it’s “purdy”? That looks different from the MCU template? The GOT connection? The actors? I mean this is somebody from inside the fan bubble asking about those on the outside.
  10. TBH I thought Cheadle going scene-chewing mode was one of the few things going for this. For better or worse, it's on par with the original SJ except it's a half hour longer (why?) and thus what can be an inoffensive affair started to wear out its welcome. 2.5 out of 5
  11. I think one coming out gag at the end (nothing to do with the title character or his buddy) does add to that subtext reading.
  12. Remember when some online tryhards tried to argue SE was going to be better than SC? #GoodTimes
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