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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. They've been really hesitant with slapping a certified fresh on this one over at RT lmao. 182 reviews in at 76% and they still won't do it just in case it dips. At this point they should get it over with, the average rating is strong enough and the flood of reviews has slowed down.
  2. Ah, so it's about how extreme fandom is a mistake and does almost nothing but cause misery for viewers, creators, and franchises under the guise of the next generations now being trapped in a legacy sequel of their own making. Not everything works, but I cannot deny it's a Scream film. I don't think it's as sharply pointed (lol) as any of the Kevin Williamson scripts, 'nor is it as charming as any of the Wes Craven directed films, but a fifth film in a franchise about a guy in a halloween costume chasing someone up the stairs should not be this solid. The opening and the third act are great, while the rest has some great things but also not as consistent of a stab (lol) at the themes the film is tackling. Wouldn't mind another one. Hopefully one that can build on both the themes and the surviving characters of this.
  3. Just saw the fourth one and it's such a strong return to form after three. 10 fucking minutes in and it has managed to parody the opening of the first one, comment on the Scary Movie parodies, the torture-porn subgenre of the 2000s, the Scream franchise's own legacy, the needless horror sequels and remakes, modern technology's affect on the genre, and also digs at Jason X and Scream 3. The supporting characters, & the third act reveal are the best they've been since the first film, and damn it's so much more alive than a legacy sequel has a right to be. Indeed visually though it oddly tries to go for the Kamiński cinematic glow but occasionally looks like cheap video despite being shot on film.
  4. If it can hold on to a low 7 average rating, that'll be big for this type of movie.
  5. Some hardore raves out there. TheWraps became a 93 on MetaCritic.
  6. I do not see the love for 3 at all, especially in relation to the other films. Even a mere two minutes into it it's noticeably worse in dialogue, choice of location, and as a film in an ongoing conversation with the genre it is in. It makes no sense to me how Scream 2 can open with a joke about the trope of a woman taking a shower while a killer stalks her in the Stab film, and then the Scream 3 opening does that but for real. I love the opening to the three other films, they're brilliantly subversive and clever, and then there's Scream 3 being the most tired version of a slasher opening it can possibly be. The second it opens on Cotton you know what's coming. The rest of the film ranges from a mess of great ideas to just flat out terrible ones, both extremes often written to extreme mediocrity. The supporting players are dreadfully dull and forgettable, Sidney having to be so limited pauses her journey for long periods of time, and Gale is reduced to a shell who now just shouts for Dewey to come help her (even when she's the one with a gun for fucks sake). Actually both Gale and Sidney rely far too much on Dewey in it, he even gets to do the final headshot. Love the final scene though.
  7. Just rewatched the third film, dear God the absolute state of it compared to the other ones. There is no question what so ever that it is the gas leak year of Scream.
  8. hehehe their choice of having each star appear one at a time to a beat means I can do this
  9. Rewatched the second one yesterday, remains a great followup. Engaging in the text of the original in the same way it does other horror movies is genius, and allows for a very contemplative sequel. I also got my ticket for friday 😎
  10. Rewatched the original today, so fucking good, gets better every time. Will get to 2 at some point this weekend.
  11. Oh I know, those and some others are the reactions I buy a lot and make me very excited to see it. But the total amount of the ones that have posted reactions so far just has a higher average of people with far more incentive to be positive than negative about any film. There are plenty of critics I'm looking forward to hearing from, and hopefully it won't take long for them to see it. The best sign this early on though is even the most negative reactions I can find so far still enjoyed the film on the whole.
  12. Lovely reactions so far, though I'd like to see more from more non-Erik Davis type people.
  13. Social media embargo lifts at 9PM EST. Looking forward to reading them when I wake up 😎
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