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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. Hell yeah, might be my favorite comic book movie. Would love to see another Batman Christmas film.
  2. This kicked ass. A really funny fuck you to everything I dislike about modern franchise filmmaking, I almost liked it more than the first film.
  3. Don't know how it was for you guys, but there was absolutely zero marketing for this here. Not a single poster anywhere to let people know this was coming out. And so, no one knew, and now that they're finding out and want to see it - they can't because it's already going out of theaters. There wasn't even an attempt to let this have a fair shot.
  4. There are critics loving it. Ehrlich of indiewire is the one who compared it to Last Jedi and gave it an A-.
  5. Wanna add that unlike the reviews for No Way Home, where my go-to critics were all fairly middling on it (especially compared to the geek critics) - my go-to critics on this are either saying it's one of the best of the whole year, or one of the worst.
  6. Is it The Last Jedi of Matrix films, or is it a dull lifeless imitation? - the reactions are wiiildly all over the place. Incredibly exciting.
  7. In the 13 first reviews, MetaCritic's already all over the board from 91 to 30.
  8. Embargo drops in like 35 minutes, but some have shown up on RT early.
  9. The comparisons to New Nightmare and Gremlins 2 is so fucking exciting, I can't wait for this. And I'm not really a Matrix fan.
  10. The most exciting part of No Way Home was the thought of getting to see footage of the first Sam Raimi film in nearly a decade. It became a lot less exciting to actually see it, and see no hints of Raimi.
  11. Fun novelty watch - but many moments where I was questioning whether what was happening was actually good or if the novelty of Alfred Molina Doc Ock etc showing up in a Holland Spidey movie was doing a lot of heavy lifting in scenes that are really just functional. They really want you to know the logistics of how this adds up with other movies, and they really want you to have seem them before this one, because on its own it's a lot of "this happened to me once". I felt a looot of calculations the whole time. For some reason a very awkward immigration metaphor rears its ugly head in there in the midst of it all, and the film was in a war with itself to do right by that metaphor - but also service the novelty premise it wanted to have.
  12. Oh yeah you can trust me on that, they're not YouTuber people or anywhere near that kinda vein. No idea how the film will turn out of course, but I'd rather hear Emma Stefansky loving a film than plenty of others.
  13. David Sims is a critic for The Atlantic, and Emma Stefansky is a critic for thrillist/polygon/vanity fair etc. They're not exactly nobodies in the film criticism sphere.
  14. On the Blank Check podcast David Sims mentioned that Emma Stefansky had seen it and loved it.
  15. Yeah the people I trust are mostly enjoying it well enough. Far more 50/50 than the greek critics and doesn't even seem like they enjoy it more than the previous two, but the fun of it has beaten a lot of them into submission - so hopefully I at least won't be miserable watching this tonight lol.
  16. 1. Spider-Man 2 2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 3. Spider-Man 4. Spider-Man 3 5. Spider-Man: Homecoming 6. Spider-Man: Far From Home 7. The Amazing Spider-Man 8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 I like the top 5, top 3 are great. No idea where No Way Home might place, it sounds more fun than good.
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