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Mr Impossible

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Posts posted by Mr Impossible

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jandrew said:

    So sorry you had to go through that. Thanks for calling him out and hopefully you sent a message to other people who heard him but did nothing. He sounds very bold, how black was your audience, because I can't picture that dude surviving the entire screening around here. 

    Mostly white audience. I’m white someone near me clapped as I was walking out. 

    • Like 1
  2. I went to an IMAX screening yesterday and sadly couldn’t finish it cause there was a hella racist dude behind me making fun of the accents, doing monkey noises and just saying outright ignorant statements about Africa. I called him out in front of everybody as a piece of shit and walked out. I couldn’t stay there any longer cause I was a millisecond away from grabbing his fcking throat.

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    • Thanks 1
    • ...wtf 3
  3. 5 hours ago, PDC1987 said:

    Actually that is a hideous, and completely inaccurate, measure of greatness. $$$ is a measure of nothing more than popularity, and as each year ticks by popularity can be more an more manipulated by marketing and the perpetual dumbing down of entertainment audiences.


    Populist arguments are instantly, easily destroyed. Britney Spears, a woman with absolutely zero musical talent and a completely manufactured catalog, has sold more records globally than Bjork, Kate Bush, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin, Tori Amos, PJ Harvey and Joan Baez combined. Is Britney a greater artist than any of them or all of them combined? No.

    Just because she’s pop fun doesn’t mean she’s not talented. Her songs are super catchy and I always feel happy when listening to them. The fact that she overcame mental illness (at some point people were worried she wouldn’t live past a month) and still continues to perform is impressive. 

  4. I’d say the new Maze Runner is the 2nd best of the YA genre. First to me will always be Catching Fire but this had some moments that came close. The last third of this movie is impressive in terms of action, sets and visuals. I didn’t expect the film to be this good and I’ve liked the first 2 movies. (I have a weak spot for films being set in the end times and zombies) 

    • Like 5
  5. Paddington having phenomenal holds! $50M DOM is likely? 

    Nice # for Hostiles bo.com was only predicting $4.5M for it so very happy it overperformed going to watch it again! 

    Maze Runner 3 seems to be ending the franchise on a positive note and that’s all you can really ask for when it belongs to a genre (YA adaptations) that’s on life support. 

    Greatest Showman and Jumanji is spreading dem legs and they looking sexy! 

    • Like 2
  6. Toni Colette is such an amazing actress. Anyways I hope they don't hype this movie too much. We've had other A24 horror movies that had amazing early word but didn't really manage to break out in terms of box office or awards. (The Witch, It Comes At Night) 

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  7. 4 hours ago, Webslinger said:

    Insidious continues to crumble, but it's been a big winner against its small budget ever since its opening day.

    For a horror movie especially in January it's holding quite well. If you looked at other January horror movies released in the first week of the year not one of them managed 2x multiplier, this is already at that... 


    Also it's already the 2nd highest grossing film of the series, that's pretty impressive for a 4th film in a horror franchise. A 5th movie is 95% happening. 

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