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Premium George

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Everything posted by Premium George

  1. Reading OS thread that looks like low end. People are predicting $950m-$1billion. May go past that too.
  2. Dunkrik Logan lucky Valerian Thor ragnarok Incredibles 2 Ant man wasp Justice league Blade runner 2049 Kingsman golden circle Hitman's bodyguard
  3. Great wom that helped civil war or that helped gotg. Point is nothing is locked. Don't be a jerk about it.
  4. That depends on whose prediction you are following. I personally enjoy wrath of han's prediction. That guy is good with long term prediction.
  5. This site does lack entertaining trolls. Futurist post does not make sense, wenttakevin has gotten tiring.
  6. I still wonder why giantcalbears went asshole mode. At that time, WW reaching 400 was looking very tough. He could have keep his calm. Baumer was acting good towards him. Really strange.
  7. I don't think america is in that bad state that people will not see a superhero film with mostly black actors. America is still good.
  8. Marvel vs dc Movies Hmmm if we go full marvel vs dc, it's difficult. Dc started this, there is dark knight trilogy and all. But x men, spider man, mcu, marvel wins. Marvel movies>>> dc movies Games Dc games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and many more>>> marvel games. Lol marvel don't exist here. Comics Dc comics>marvel comics. . Both have done good job here but dc stared it. Tv. Idk
  9. @Barnack that's why I made that comment. He said WW is not risky while bp is. You can't have it both ways.
  10. Nah. he said WW is not a risky while black panther is. Both are seen as risky for same reason. A belief that film non-white male lead will not make block buster money. It doesn't matter it is right or not, studio believe this. If a studio tries first with that it's a risk for that studio. I don't think putting a large budget in female director hands is risky, studios does. That's why it's risky for that studio.
  11. Lol, it's started. A female superhero helmed by a female director was never a risk. That's why studios were making them in abundance. Ugh.
  12. Only movies that look ugly in mcu are captain america movies. That baffles me. Even ant-man looked more than made for tv movie. And that's when we have blockbuster looking tv shows.
  13. Pixar is a great example of simple idea but great execution. He lost let's find him. A masterpiece trilogy. Son lost let's find him. Masterpiece Superhero family fights with a angry villain who was a fan of hero. Basic story like iron man 3 but unlike iron man 3, a masterpiece. Rat can cook. A masterpiece. And so on.
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