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Everything posted by raegr

  1. PG-13 character drama lol Saw it at Tiff, it really really sucked. Hope y'all enjoy it more.
  2. Wrong thread but DC partnering up with one of America's biggest companies? Think about it.
  3. That definately wasn't my intention and I'm sorry if it came off that. I need more self awareness, I don't wan't to be known as the "crazy JL guy no one likes with a podcast"
  4. You're right. I can tone it down and I understand I get too passionate sometimes but trolling is a huge stretch.
  5. Challenging predictions isn't taking it personally. No one challenged my predictions on SW, they labelled me a fanboy and chastised me. If someone challenged me, I could have seen it differently. I don't have time to care about how much a movie make. I don't read someone not seeing JL's enormous potential as them disrespecting my mom.
  6. I genuinely like the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies more than the Kathleen Kennedy Star Wars era, am I a bad person now? You guys take this too seriously.
  7. You can question something or be skeptical about something without hating it. I don't like the direction they are going with the MCU right now, should I not voice my opinion?
  8. Kinda sick of Star Wars and Marvel movies... Go ahead, downvote me. Oh wait, not on reddit
  9. Alright, I'll remember this when it opens anywhere from 170M-200M
  10. Yeah, still doesn't mean JL will only do BvS numbers.
  11. I think you guys are joking at this point. JL isn't opening to 140M, which is SS's opening adjusted for inflation. It just isn't happening. 150 is the lowest it can go.
  12. Yeah because I literally mean 4x multiplier Get real
  13. BvS had huge hype until they sabotaged their own movie with the Doomsday trailer, ugh! Then reviews killed the movie. JL is being greeted with skepticism but I think we will either see good legs with a good OW or a very deflated OW with WW like legs, if well received.
  14. The bare minimum for BvS is not likely for JL. A historically frontloaded, terribly received and reviled movie? Okay.
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