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Everything posted by GraceRandolph

  1. I need to see Book Club. Diane Keaton is a legend and I love movies like First Wives club (which is supposed to be similar to book club) - makes me feel like an empowered woman.
  2. I honestly feel like 70s movies in general are very dull. In Star Wars everything is so dragged out and boring not to mention the wired powerpoint scene transitions and tired opening crawl. They are beyond desperate to re-capture the former glory and as a result keep using the same dated formula. Instead the franchise should have been moving with the times and been modernized.
  3. Worldwide sensation Jennifer Lopez did it. Her movie as an actual hit! Also the song wasn’t fuled by a pandering social justice gimmick!
  4. Perhaps so but you seem to forget that the Star Wars brand is heavily damaged. They have lost the trust of the GA - just like the DCEU did. It has nothing to do with the alt-right.
  5. The UK is at fault for IW failing to reach 2B WW.
  6. Alt-right cant be blamed for anything - even in the USA. If that were so powerful black panther would have been a huge BOMB. Its a shitty excuse to cover up the fact that a movie is bad and no one cares to watch it. Star wars just isnt a powerful brand anymore. Thats the only truth.
  7. You can still like something and have a nostalgic connection to it without being a fan. Jurassic Park doesn’t have a fan base. The movie is just to simple to warrant any interest for anyone to dwell deeper into the world. With franchises such as Harry Potter and Star Wars there is so much depth and lore that it will automatically make people want to explore and as a result become massive fans. You will never hear anyone say: “OMG this is NOT how the park in Jurassic Park was supposed to be!!!!! #boycottJW” Its simply isn’t a franchise with a fandom.
  8. How am I even related to this conversation? He was replying to someone else LOL.
  9. I hope you’re right. I like being pessimistic so that i don’t get disappointed. Really rooting for 2 billion. Sucks it won’t beat TFA though! Oh well
  10. It’s a massive hit. But beyond annoying that it’s gonna stall at like 1,97B~
  11. Dont twist my words. This is what I said: “Home coming was a family friendly movie. Deadpool is R-rated. It’s not comparable. It’s over for Deadpool!” And this was a reply to your post which claimed that it might still reach 300M. So it’s pretty clear what I’m referring to when I said “it’s over” - reading comprehension is key!
  12. You seem to give a shit since you bothered to put me on ignore and despite that you’re still replying. Also I haven’t even been here for that long. Your awareness of numbers don’t seem the best. Perhaps you should refrain from making box office predictions?
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