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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Geomean weighted comps: 16.66 excluding JWD and bat: 16.68 only JWD and bat: 16.64 say mtc and small chains look okay, may 17? Still 16.5-17ish to me
  2. I'm sorry to be mean, but this detached from reality. Maybe 210 combined, 235 if things go great
  3. If you wanted to get very pessimistic, I guess 16 33 40 31 *3.75 isn't like completely out of pocket. I have a hard time seeing below 500 though
  4. Pretty sure there's at least one midweek open in there so even worse than that
  5. Yeah there isn't really "normal legs for Dec blockbusters." Dec so far is all like small opens, megahuge, and ancient shit. I agree that RO and Aquaman are maybe the best to look at -- would suggest the baseline is ~3.5-4x
  6. There is no global recession. Probably would be performing better if there was one, if you'll recall what was happening 13 years ago 😛
  7. Those FSS are all quite optimistic, it probably won’t even be within 20M of that
  8. Batman’s 17.6 pure Thur led to a 130M pure Th+FSS — after burning off 4M of demand with early shows, which inflates the multi.
  9. If Disney rounds to nearest mil 17 would be my bet, but if they report a decimal place I’m taking the under
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