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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Food and energy were a big chunk of 2021 inflation too, included the 2017:2021 CPI vs atp to show that they tracked closely so far despite that. I would be careful about using 7.5 y/y MDW applied to 2021 full year since that window is mostly 2H 2021 and 1H 2022 which look to be hotter than 2H 2022. Nonetheless, my ballpark answer of 10.88 is quite close to your 11. I think both point values would be within an well constructed 50% confidence.
  2. The pandemic 7th wknd record is just 11M for comparison. TGM will comfortably be taking the records until at least 10th, where things could get interesting.
  3. Flat Sat PS nationally would certainly lead to an increase for final, so mostly a question of how much the santikos/national PS ratio changed compared to comps. JWD is a pretty great comp as it turned out — similar size OWs, summer vs summer, both meh reception. So that number is encouraging to me. Edit: And @LegendaryBenmakes a good point about Canada. Hmm. Having more true Fri siphoned to Th than any of the mcu summer comps may help the sat bump — at minimum it is a partially opposing force to the weak side reception.
  4. There has been 18.5% CPI inflation from nov 2017 to may 2022. 2017 atp was 8.97, 2021 full year was 10.17, so 13.4% — very close to CPI 13.1% from dec 2017 to dec 2021. So 2022 ATP will probably be about 7% higher, 10.88, for ~21%. Call it an even 20% for 2017-2022 and it’s a similar amount of CPI inflation as 2007-2017 or atp inflation as 2009-2017 — taking rag to about 370-380M
  5. I am responding to people who seem to express that it’s actively negative on an individual level. Certainly the need for content for competition is an inconvenience to producers.
  6. This was a very tell don’t show movie. Feels like two subplots+an ending grafted together with little care for whether there is enough time/development taken for the ending to emotionally pay off either. Also the main plot being kidnapped kids for bait was deeply weird, along with all the 8 year olds fighting in act 3. It is unfortunate because I think both subplots do have serious merit/potential if handled differently.
  7. Ahhh, I just popped in and saw the “4.85 OD” message. Didn’t see it was for strange instead of L&T. Anyway, that makes a lot more sense. Quite weak.
  8. Yeah, with 70th percentile mcu reception this would be doing like 450-500. Did quite a nice preview for the weak reviews and low hype marketing. Interest in the verse is high… but people want to see great movies in that setting, not eh movies in that setting. Get back to that, soon, and this little speed bump will be lost to the sands of time. If they can’t get back to that, then *eventually*
  9. 9.7 2day seems like it should be a 18+ 4day right? Or is an inflated fri with an impending sat drop
  10. Feel good about winning the movies over 3M, don’t like my chances on the 200-400k’ers. All eyez on marcel
  11. Minions dailies were always suggesting inflated weekdays. I suspect the mon is to blame (people extending the 4th into a longer vacation from work) but don’t see much of an effect from 2016 and 2011, so… 🤷‍♂️
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