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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Found the missing Tues gross (unless they report 11.5 )
  2. Taika boost here that doesn’t exist DOM (though smaller than NZ of course). But performance relative to rag can still give some clue.
  3. Actuals: Elvis 18,452,612 EEAAO 518,575 I see I clawed back over Bates for now.
  4. Deadline with a reasonable or perhaps slightly optimistic range is a sign of end times.
  5. I mean, expanding because of unusual circumstances is the MCU's bread and butter. 2nd entries can expand off of the first being small because the characters were unknown. 3rd entries have basically all been unusual. If "normal" sequels stall out at ~ 300-400 2022 performance and they do a mix of first entries, normal sequels, and unusual sequels that is a great place to be
  6. In infinity saga, movies with these reviews mostly got As. In that case this will be a righting of the ship. If it gets A-, bit of a wuity issue emerging. B+, mcu is in Crisis and must hope for coogler Reed Gunn to save us.
  7. I think it's a bit early to say that. NWH and DS2 expanded humongously over prior entries, quantumania will as well. If Gotg3 and Marvels struggle that will still be about an even split of expansionary and flat which is averaging expansionary. Certainly the expansion relies on a combination of quality and overarching story/teamups/crossovers though.
  8. If Miyazaki rejected Scorsese but not vice versa, then the most important question becomes — what did Miyazaki think of IW 🤔
  9. With DS2 finishing at 411.x, we have: SM1 407.x CW 408.x IM3 409.x DS2 411.x WW1 412.x So if this movie must disappoint, at least it should have the decency to do 410.x and connect the CBM fragments 😛
  10. Marcel will presumably expand and do over 1M. Malcolm’s list and eeaao will be low but not as low as 9th and 10th on several recent weeks.
  11. Personally I am looking at Thursday night update to really pin down the trajectory for good
  12. Rank adjusted infinity saga nonavengers OWs (arguably a *slight* lowball given recent atp spike): IM1 — 191M Hulk — 109M IM2 — 220M Thor — 109M Cap1 — 103M IM3 —260M TDW — 130M TWS — 143M Gotg — 138M AM1 — 71M CW — 220M DS1 — 103M gotg2 — 169M SMH — 145M rag — 146M BP — 220M AM&tW — 86M CM — 166M 2022 150 really not that big. It’s in the blockbuster realm for sure but pretty far removed from say, 2015 150. Don’t need triple juice for 150+, more in the range of a double.
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