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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Yeah, seems headed for a poor opening very very tentatively. Though I would not be shocked by like 28*6.5 either
  2. In 2019 atp: ~125 in July 2022 atp: ~ 140 I guess, data lacking In rank translation: 146 (28th, between JWD and gotg2) Rank translated to end 2019 then atp adjusted: ~157 (142 +11%) Imo that last one is the most accurate, I will certainly consider this a poor opening if it’s sub 160
  3. This question reminds me that currently 4 of the top 7 highest grossing movie franchises are CBM (MCU #1, Spider-man #3, Avengers #6, Batman #7). I am betting that increases to 5/7 somewhat soon and perhaps 6/7 eventually.
  4. SW Avatar Jurassic … Frozen? Can I pick Frozen? I dunno, I wanna say Frozen Boy this is rough. Fast and Furious?
  5. Next Sunday could be really fun if we throw: Father’s Juneteenth(/Juneteenth observed Eve) NBA game 7 (~50% chance) post-pandemic reduced holiday impact all in a blender
  6. Does PostTrak just not exist to you or something? If it had come in similar to the CS instead of similar to the audience score this would be a totally different situation.
  7. What’s actually going on here is that people who *did* like the movie want to talk about the positive outlier while conveniently ignoring all the other data points 😂
  8. It’s pretty obvious why there is more talk of sampling error (which of course there is for all movies, though it’s not like a big factor) when the CS is wildly out of line with other metrics then when it’s quite in line as it usually is. Nothing to do with personal dislike, that just reads as cope.
  9. Little known fact: This heroic savant actually banged out the TROS and JWD scripts in a single session — the pages had to be separated out later
  10. Black Adam doesn’t even seem like 200 to me. Looking forward to it personally though.
  11. Besides, Jat has learned his lesson — reliable numbers kill the page count. What we really need is a deadline num
  12. Consumption shifting out of movies and into games and TV is definitely not a story of *shorter* attention spans. Quibi was the short attention span play and it went belly up in like a week.
  13. I think that’s fair — if these all do open soft I will definitely be open to revisiting the market baseline, so to speak. LY &Minions are kids animation though, which is the one area where I already find “permanent significant covid hit” reasonably compelling. And Elvis+Phone are in a different weight class. My eyes are mostly on 100+M openers over the next 12 months or so.
  14. It’s tough to evaluate for sure. The market depth has never recovered, but is that a demand issue or a supply issue? There is definitely a supply issue driving it so how would we even tell if there was also a demand one driving it? My subjective sense is that event blockbusters (NWH, TGM) can pull similar admits as they would have in pre-covid times, and if non event blockbusters can’t then it’s still fine to criticize them on admits grounds because the very fact that they’re paying the “covid penalty” reflects a failure to become an event blockbuster (Batman, DS2, JWD all in this category imo).
  15. To some extent I would say that the secular trend from 2002-2019 was fewer people higher prices, and covid may have accelerated that a little. But a modest admit fall in 4 years is still a modest admit fall in 4 years — not good.
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