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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. With ~156M IO2 scores 6th biggest 2nd week, as expected. Only behind AEG outside of xmas period Updated est of mid 90s for 3rd week, guessing it will just short of Av2 for 4th, but top 3 definitely in play. Should definitely surpass Barbie for biggest 3rd week outside xmas May do 4ths in a bit if I get some time to kill
  2. Anyway bit weak Th for IO, hop it can come in more like 11.5 but probably looking at 55-60ish Looking very bad reception for AQP which I think will cost the weekend, but still have it mid 50s so very much a competitive race
  3. When horizon+bikeriders pull 10M combined we can have ourselves a nice refreshing 20 page discourse about the death of adult cinema
  4. Realistically there are no good comps for twisters from a PS length+genre combo. I wouldn’t worry much about comps until we get a week or two closer (this is not to say they’ll necessarily make some huge improvement, just that that’s a defensible prior)
  5. No he’s saying that in big cities it looks like a 10M opener and in west/midwest it looks like 30. If you take that at face value then because cities are the main BO driver it would suggest 13-17 or something (I would say more like 8&25 for 10-12ish
  6. US playing like LATAM while Canada plays like India? A true mystery 🤪
  7. Yeah, not even on the level of DS2. It’s going to play well below the limits of the R rating so not much need to worry what those are
  8. Yeah taking everything into account I would probably say Reloaded corresponds to >300M OW nowadays. Now does that guarantee DPW can do 2/3 of that? Not whatsoever. But I think people are a bit overly concerned with the R “ceiling” — the real r ceiling is like 350M or something, it’s not remotely in play here
  9. Even more stark diff with bp2. Sacto is at d-26 right now, mtc1 is at t-15
  10. Didn’t necessarily want to comment but I guess it’s unavoidable now. Very strong “IO2 80M” vibes for me with that 150 expectation. And I would be very careful using Sacto as your primary market for this — I know we like to joke about black magic but it is still just one city at the end of the day that will occasionally have idiosyncratic behavior, and it’s under indexing there massively right now just as it has since D1. I would guess that Sacto will come into line with more national picture by D-1 or whenever but until then… we’ll it’s a gap worth minding is all
  11. Thinking 195ish for IO2. Should start getting a better sense for 3rd weekend in around 12 hrs
  12. Beating F2 is all you need to officially take the WW crown since TLK officially isn’t on the animation records category
  13. Hmm, a Monday~ 1M short of expectstions? Guess I’ll have to revise from 700 to 699. RIP BP dreams 🤪
  14. Very little new information compared to like, D5, still low-mid30s *5ish most likely with some up/downside if reception is particularly good vs bad
  15. Great performance for Insideriders with 111M this weekend
  16. Gotta pass avatar to make top 3 (nwh TGM) but looks like a solid shot
  17. We have definitely discussed it and it's definitely possible, no reason to wait on either point. If they'd asked will it happen that would be a different story
  18. 134k start for sun, unsurprisingly suggest a finish of around 625k, -15% just like sat.
  19. Unfortunately had this one pretty clocked, in at 659 (so far things have been moving very little from initial reports)
  20. Taking the over on 650 and 850 respectively
  21. TGM 4th week 69M thanks to father’s/teenth, that will be the killer. May be able to bank 95-100M lead by end of week 3 though
  22. For @charlie Jatinder, ranked 2nd and 3rd weeks. This is from movies with 500+ total DOM only to avoid having to comb too many small Dec movies, but if anyone wants to add any that would make the top 10 (cutoffs 148M/81M) feel free to respond and I’ll add them in. 2nd Weeks 3rd Weeks * SMB is the only non Fri opener, weeks reflect D8-14 and D15-21 respectively. Please use same method for any suggested adds
  23. Not sure if this will really be a common pairing tbf 😛
  24. The I1 to I2 admit bump would take it to ~745M so still not quite that crazy Movie Adjusted ow -> adjusted DOM: I1 126-> 467.5 I2 223 -> 743 (+77% -> +59%) IO1 119-> 469 IO2 154 -> ? (+29.5% -> +?%) I guess tbf CS was flat from I1 to I2 so flat from IO1 -> IO2 no issue — 745 or flop @charlie Jatinder 😤
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