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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Officially the curfew starts tomorrow right? Night seems weak. Thinking 430s personally after looked like maybe 460 in afternoon.
  2. 151 overall is just not plausible imo. If you want: worst 2.0 139 PS, 53 Th, 86 true ps, 163 true FSS, 216 weekend beat 2.0 146 PS, 52 Th, 94 true os, 230 true FSS, 282 wknd
  3. 262M needed to be the 2nd highest weekend PTA of the year, over the 2nd weekend of this year’s PTA
  4. Here I was fawning over SC setting a new critical+audience RT record for the mcu… and within the next two movies we get the new lowest record and a (likely) new highest. All the audience metrics are just stupid good so far. Curious to here about post track and demos and blah blah but I finally believe in the +.
  5. Lemme just drop this here while we wait for prev actuals: Movie Final PS (fri morning) Previews True PS True FSS True FSS/True PS True FSS-True PS wknd AEG 190,000,000 60,000,000 130,000,000 297,115,007 2.286 167,115,007 357,115,007 TFA 140,000,000 54,000,000 86,000,000 193,966,675 2.255 107,966,675 247,966,675 TLJ 120,000,000 45,000,000 75,000,000 175,009,584 2.333 100,009,584 220,009,584 TROS 115,000,000 40,000,000 75,000,000 137,383,864 1.832 62,383,864 177,383,864 IW 105,000,000 39,000,000 66,000,000 218,698,183 3.314 152,698,183 257,698,183 Geomean 130,975,482 46,921,990 83,872,899 197,833,069 2.359 111,442,434 245,433,419 Trimmed geomean 124,547,699 45,978,566 78,500,723 195,079,384 2.291 118,137,671 227,697,791 NWH realistic 1.0 133000000 47000000 86000000 197046447.5 2.291 111,046,448 244046447.5 NWH worst 1.0 129000000 46000000 83000000 155078905.7 1.868 72,078,906 201078905.7 NWH best 1.0 140000000 52000000 88000000 220000000 2.500 132,000,000 272000000 Realistic 2.0 141000000 51000000 90000000 206211398.6 2.291 116,211,399 257211398.6 That’d be about 770 with bad legs, for anyone who might be thinking about the avatar club or the DOM contest (both of which are now closing Sun midnight) 👍
  6. And we are back full circle to my original complaint about overly restrictive studio contracts I’m not sure how long this status quo can last, but I look forward to finding out.
  7. I mean we don’t have mtc or regional fri ps data. It could be anything. Maybe people spilled over and fri pace went wild today — lord knows the A+ will drive a solid PSm
  8. I will fill in for my presumably sleeping contest cohost here — how unrealistic is 85M, reaaaaaalllly 👀
  9. Well, maybe it’s not gonna happen this year (2022) or the next, but even when covid is a distant memory this will still be an industry in turmoil this decade imo. Not just physical exhibition, but audiovisual media broadly — movies, shows, games, vr, whole shebang. And cross platform opportunities to drive subscriber loyalty (the Metaverse, to use a buzzword that went in 365 days from novel to beaten to the point of death). Perhaps necessity will be the mother of (re)invention, as they say.
  10. Especially if shows were discounted for subscribers of the right service, you could call it an aspect of the 2020s DTC war/play/craze
  11. I suspected it would be something like this. Then I will rephrase — it is not theaters who should consider showing more tv in the new theater landscape, it is tv producers who should consider whether it makes sense to show stuff theatrically in the new tv landscape.
  12. I’d pay decent money for a imax season pass (6 eps over 6 weeks). I’d pay far more than I reasonably should if the showings were at 9PM the night before they hit the app.
  13. Finally, a fig leaf that we can hide disappointing preview numbers behind
  14. Broke: meltdown over missing 50 Woke: meltdown over missing TFA Bespoke: meltdown over missing TFA updated est
  15. Speaking of screen inflexibility, a hot (maybe?) take that I was bouncing around with @Cap a few days ago — theaters should experiment with showing TV shows. Not a whole bunch, but I suspect some appropriately priced limited engagement stuff the night they premiere (maybe even previews a few hours early?) could draw more butts in seats than your Sohos and Spencers and Duels and Alleys. Maybe even PLFs depending on the show and the competition. Especially if you can coordinate with big shows to release on the right days — Mon and Wed night are usually insanely free.
  16. Yeah it’s clearly absurd. The numbers is reasonably responsive to feedback I’ve found — maybe we could get them to fix their lists with a coordinated email campaign 😂
  17. Yeah it’s very rare that it’s *really* a problem. Generally you only get a mega pileup like we have next weekend when the system can support it with weekdays and Jan soaking demand. Still, the net effect is consumers with a harder time watching the movie the wanting to see in a cinema when they wanted to see it, and more dead space showings. Overall the screen allocation and pricing systems are just so inflexible compared to markets that developed more recently, feels like the Triassic era and bugs me on an aesthetic level.
  18. American screen contract system is so ugly, sad, and primitive. 10plexes should be free to put spidey on 8 screens from 16th-21st and 5 on the 24th
  19. Thanks for the submission and good luck. Everything is open until Sun Pacific midnight in case you feel an urge to do any tweaking. FYI the 4th and 5th weekend #1 on mojo are American Sniper’s 1st and 2nd of wide release, so these would be some truly insane legs — I think your weekends add up to some 780M or so even before weekdays contribute anything. I don’t love having expansions muck things up but we need a consistent and easily referenced standard.
  20. 3PM changes everything. Can’t reason from old Fri/Th ratios or IMs. Once we see Fri afternoon nums/pace, then we will know whether we are getting a nice 265 or a sad 225
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