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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Oh, we’ll if it’s setting daily record on a workday I guess we can settle for sub 8 after all 🤣
  2. Just realized there are many territories where this won’t even do highest grossing Sony
  3. Good rates in Brazil are worth like $100M by itself 😔
  4. Final midday update, looks like 400. Slightly better afternoon/early evening pace, helped by less PS saturation of night shows I would guess. Pretty similar drop in same day sales as FFH D2. Not going to forecast FSS given volatile circumstances, but I feel good about making up the difference in days 6+
  5. IF we get 320 OS-C opening I don’t really see what is stopping us from WW-C over JW WW 🤷‍♂️ If we had a good China date it should have pulled 330+ probably, though let’s see how HK and Taiwan end up.
  6. Blah blah omicron disclaimer blah blah. I mostly agree with John. If OS-C-J goes to like 320, I don’t see why it wouldn’t leg to mid 900s for over 1B/over IW OS-C once Japan does it’s part. I guess one reason could be that SW is stronger in leggier markets and Marvel stronger is lower legged markets, but on the other hand you have reception. And including J in the calculation for the SW boosts the multis a bit. TFA looks like a 4.34x OS-C multiplier 👀. 3.34 post sun/OW, vs 2.8 DOM. If NWH can go 2.2x DOM as I suspect, then why not a 3.3x+ OS-C legs? Call OS-C-J 320, OS-C 335, there we are again O/U Billie.
  7. Endgame had only 5900 seats left at the same point, sold half that many by final bell. TROS 9100 seats left, sold… uhhh… 1/8 of them. IW had 3600 seats left, sold like 43%. NWH isn’t going to sell anything close to the % of remaining capacity that the other marvel’s did, because of the extra capacity from the 3pm. But quite noteworthy imo that it has waaaaaaay more space available for people to walk up to tomorrow, and a larger window of time for them to do it in.
  8. 10PM Limit means no shows after 7, will really cut into weekends. But if people want to see it, they’ll find a time on some day.
  9. What does this mean? Clearly 4 people per show would be insane but not sure how else to interpret it
  10. Don’t take these too seriously, plenty of rough estimation, different franchises, different months, different Th start times, different pandemic conditions, etc. But still, was playing around with numbers and I figured some people might like this as a reference. Movie Final PS (fri morning) Previews True PS True FSS True FSS/True PS True FSS-True PS wknd AEG 190,000,000 60,000,000 130,000,000 297,115,007 2.286 167,115,007 357,115,007 TFA 140,000,000 54,000,000 86,000,000 193,966,675 2.255 107,966,675 247,966,675 TLJ 120,000,000 45,000,000 75,000,000 175,009,584 2.333 100,009,584 220,009,584 TROS 115,000,000 40,000,000 75,000,000 137,383,864 1.832 62,383,864 177,383,864 IW 105,000,000 39,000,000 66,000,000 218,698,183 3.314 152,698,183 257,698,183 Geomean 130,975,482 46,921,990 83,872,899 197,833,069 2.359 111,442,434 245,433,419 Trimmed geomean 124,547,699 45,978,566 78,500,723 195,079,384 2.291 118,137,671 227,697,791 NWH rough proj 133000000 47000000 86000000 197046447.5 2.291 111,046,448 244046447.5 NWH worst case 128000000 46000000 82000000 150206358 1.832 68,206,358 196206358 NWH best case 140000000 52000000 88000000 220000000 2.500 132,000,000 272000000
  11. I think widely liked here+Jat hates it Pre-finale eps are I will say a dead tie with WV, so it’ll be finale vs finale.
  12. I’m a geomean kind of guy, so this is what I’ve converted your submission to for now
  13. It’s scheduled to close in a little over 25 hours (though I’ve been thinking on pushing the deadline for everything except wknd1 to end of Sunday — @Multiverse of XXR, thoughts?). We will need a specific number by then however — I could just take the average or the geomean of the range if you’d like, and then convert to the appropriate rank.
  14. Adjusted the OD 00:20 estimate to be more accurate, the updated expectation from the 88k day 2 00:20 would be 385k instead of 405k. Based on dailies so far, 385k looking right on the money.
  15. Reposting this for visibility. I really think it should be able to do 3.5-4 true FSS legs for 3-3.4x legs — omicron could bring us under and some real zeitgeistiness/people staying away from crowds could maaaaaaybe bring us over.
  16. Indeed, fun timing on [redacted] and [redacted] — not to be confused with [redacted and redacted].
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