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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Sony probably more concerned with selling to people who didn’t see Spiderverse than people who liked spiderverse a lot. That’s how you get sequel growth. On the other hand I assume there was a lot of directorial freedom here, harder to speculate where they wanted to take the story until we see it.
  2. I am not sure we will see any live action characters in this one honestly… but if we don’t, Part Two for sure.
  3. I am thinking (and hoping) it will be more like “woah, another one, cool. I liked seeing all those Spider-Men and different universes combining last Christmas, I should check this out” from the (substantial) portion of the audience that will have seen NWH but not Spiderverse 1.
  4. I agree … but the BO is incredibly clear that the GA likes crossover “gimmicks”
  5. On a less memey note, if AT&T take NWH to 700M+ with a multiverse story, it really could help this one 10 months later, especially if some of them appear which seems reasonably likely to me.
  6. It will previews and OW over I2 once the internet becomes convinced it has T&A
  7. Apparently Oscar Isaac is in this too? The era of every Hollywood star inevitably ending up with a marvel role has ended, the era of every Hollywood star inevitably ending up with two marvel roles has begun.
  8. As far as I can tell the record here is absurdly low. It will lose it a year later though (hopefully).
  9. Sure, if you basically wrote one script/story and then realized it was so long you wanted to split it in two, the part one/part two conveys that pretty clearly imo.
  10. Omicron data coming in pretty concerning again. I think it’s going to just miss making a mess of the DOM OW but could become more of an issue internationally by dec 15 and for DOM further weekends.
  11. See my username Post TG usually sucks, and having a weak pre-TG release (compared to average)+weak TG releases is definitely going to exacerbate that.
  12. It’s a horrible idea imo in so many ways. EotW is basically winternight+baerlon+shadar logoth+caemlyn+blight, and we’ve skipped the two that introduce some of the most important characters to the work’s protagonist.
  13. The Encanto est from variety looks like a joke, should be 13s easily and probably on the higher end of them.
  14. Pretty decent hold for Eternals actually, gaining ground on TDW true FSS comp. Could finish a little above 165. Should avoid the embarrassment of losing to NTTD at least.
  15. Encanto missing 100 could get really dicey for my winter game.
  16. Not seeing much to indicate great GBA WOM. Not bad WOM either, just normal looking. Xmas should take it to right O/U 2016.
  17. 2021 Korea curse says 1.7 more likely 😒
  18. It's gonna be years before we hit 2.8 again, franchise is toast
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