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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. It’s safe to say imo that this will romp past endgame final shows thanks to the extra 3 hours and shorter runtime (though runtime May end up cancelling with covid slowdown in auditorium turnover — most locations seem to be running NWH on a 3:30 gap iirc and I forget what it was for endgame but I don’t think a full 4 hrs?). I think matinees and inflation roughly cancel on atp, so if it does like 50M that will be from like +17% shows but -28.5% occupancy.
  2. It loses like 15-20M on Fri from calendar stuff but then gains like 5-15M on Sat and 5-10M on Sun, a mild net positive imo though I intend to do a more quantitative deep dive on this in a bit.
  3. Loial 😬 Only 3 eps left, can't see how they possibly conclude things at a reasonable pace.
  4. Would not be surprising for M4 to do less than a quarter of NWH that weekend and I’m sure theaters are booking with that in mind. Just a horrible date for a hybrid streaming 2000s nostalgia action play.
  5. As long as it beat JW to make top 6 perfectly balanced, I’m happy. Otherwise, FLOP
  6. Just give them to me and I'll keep them safe from Jat 😏
  7. Endgame had pretty nutty first3 days iirc. Day4 might fall off a cliff relatively speaking, like+14k mtc2 previews or something. If it actually hits 22k then we are going comfortably past 50M in my view as well. There is a line of thought that if endgame basically did max capacity Th anyway -- the real Th demand could have been like 90M+ worth. Then if NWH has 25% lower Th demand on admits it could actually... Beat Endgame previews... by also effectivity maxing out Th (with less unmet demand because hype is less) but with 3 extra hours and a smidge of inflation.
  8. Oh, and here's with a 5.5 IM: TFA 3.9x RO 3.45x TLJ 2.88x TROS 3x 5.5 IM and then tros true fss multi for 3x overall legs is not a huge ask imo.
  9. Some legs thoughts using true fss: TFA 4.55x (using 54m prev est) RO 4x TLJ 3.3x TROS 3.45x Assuming a 5 IM for NWH, these are the overall legs that those true fss legs translate too: TFA 3.84x RO 3.4x TLJ 2.84x TROS 2.96x Personally I think it will need bad reception to reach those tlj nums, and I do not expect bad reception. But just in case, a true disaster scenario could be like 3x true fss legs (this is adding 2x instead of TLJ 2.3x, so about 13% worse) for 2.6x overall legs. That would still take 250 to 650.
  10. If you wanna continue this convo, take it to the NWH thread. And true FSS legs are better anyway
  11. Starting to feel a little nervous about getting too noticed
  12. Wait, it makes sense with the difference in total seats sold. I think the seats sold today got an extra leading 1 as a typo? the ratio of total seats sold doesn’t make sense with growth in final comps, so I have no idea what’s going on and will just wait 😆
  13. Why is the Endgame adjustment so dramatic today vs day 2?
  14. Friday accelerating by like 25% vs day 2 Also it's above Th pace already -- clear sign Th is hurt by lack of shows imo.
  15. Netflix should release don’t look up in theaters for that sweet sweet 300M DOM
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