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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Dune comp chosen like a true genius, ~perfectly matched Tuesday 👀 Though, the Tues to Tues comp May understate things for MHA a bit, right? Dune was just 2 days to the Th comp day whereas MHA still has 3 to go.
  2. I’m not a huge Zhao fan or anything (haven’t seen any of her movies actually — don’t really look like my cup of tea) but I’m not sure another director could have executed this pitch/script much better. If you give this to a Watts type you might be getting better reviews because of lower expectations, but that’s a different question altogether. If it was Gunn or Waititi you’d have a totally different movie, etc. Which is to say, maybe they will feel in retrospect (if the audience reception is bad) that they should have done a different property entirely, or a fairly different approach to this one. But I doubt they walk away feeling like this was a particularly poor execution of this approach and they don’t want to work with Chloe again. A sequel would be a very different beast anyway.
  3. Aquaman was also unusually long for a first entry, interesting comp. But it had less important characters to juggle and probably more action, so I suspect this will be less of a crowd pleaser.
  4. Yeah even quite a modest mon multiplier will get it past GvK from here. Good to have another 100M grosser for the year, and impressive to have it be a free streaming release on a platform people actually use. Sequel is only a matter of time.
  5. We’re definitely gonna need someone to post when it hits 53 reviews what the new score is, then 54 reviews, then 55… Crucial info here. Highly path dependent sorta quantity dontcha know.
  6. 🙄 This is some real first-grade kind of defense. “My bad comment got dunked on because it was dumb, which means really it must have been good.”
  7. Because it was ridiculous. RT doesn’t really matter much, either in terms of quality or box office, and if that was what you said it would be perfectly defensible. Instead you made a comment implying that RT did matter, but for some reason a very small selection of them should be taken as more genuine than the larger sample. Which is not really how these work. Like, at all.
  8. I mean, sorry, but looking at the preview raw magnitude is silly. 5M of a 30M open vs 50M vs 70M have very different implications for drop %. 2M out of 16M vs 5M out of 40 vs 30M out of 240M are pretty much the same. The problem wasn’t previews so much as the 2nd weekend history of max, but it looks like Dune may (or may not, chickens hatching etc) buck that trend, in which case props to it but acting like that was obvious is a bad take.
  9. Is this for real? “Who cares what the actual aggregate ends up being — clearly the small subset from day 1 reflect the True Opinion of The Critics?” Real silly stuff.
  10. The next spider-man will be pretty ambitious! Maybe not a good thing imo, but that’s a separate question. Again, I know people like to meme, but you really don’t hear this most ambitious stuff about Shang-Chi, BW, AM&tW, SMH, even FFH/CM. You’re going to hear it again with DS2, which is another case where it might even be sort of close to true. They’ve been making a lot of ambitious films recently, though personally I think the most ambitious moniker only applied to IW and Endgame.
  11. Mostly meming. Marvel has a few 1B OS-C contenders next year. Jurassic World and Avatar too. Edit: Meant WW-C, lol 😅
  12. The sample size is still small and it could fluctuate plenty, but one negative review wouldn’t take it to 72. Even two negative reviews would bring it to 73.
  13. Most of the comps I’d prefer have a Columbus mon, but that looks like a pretty good shot to hold to a drop in the 50s (or maybe even high 40s?) Would be really impressed.
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