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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Extremely skeptical that actions which were both cheap and temporally far away would have helped this appreciably. If so that’s basically a free lunch, so I suppose it would at least be worth testing.
  2. Uhhh… I mean, an isolated flop shouldn’t singlehandedly stop you from trying. But a pattern of flops kind of should, right? “Most of our originals flop so we just commissioned 5 more” is not exactly living up to fiduciary duties there.
  3. Is there actually a positive value prop in marketing these things though? Spending like 3M more on Last duel advertising would have got it over 5M for the weekend but I doubt it sees 3M of marginal return. Hollywood seems to overmarket a lot to begin with.
  4. Good to see Thailand on the board. Maybe 215 OS finish? can kind of see 450 again depending on Eternals bump and Victoria/further SEA reopenings
  5. Yep SC 8th weekend will probably beat Last Duel’s 2nd and that’s pretty much the story of Tinseltown in the 2020s
  6. Expected after the OW. Wed and Th were misleading but it’s just a very olds heavy movie so fri bumps will be low and weekdays relatively strong.
  7. Never heard of this movie before in my life, lmao. The-numbers doesn’t seem to think it will be wide (though they have 4 wide release on the 29th, one of which I’ve never heard of). @katnisscinnaplex, any insight?
  8. 7th weekend holding power of some various CBMs from top of head: Gotg 1/11.6 OW WW 1/15 OW SM 1/15 OW BP 1/17.5 OW IM 1/18 OW SC 1/22 OW TA 1/23 OW man gotg wtf TDK had Labor Day 7th weekend but adjusting about 1/21
  9. Not sure what is considered under/over radar and public site vs not, but it’s on soap now and it looks pretty good.
  10. Used to be that 50M+ guaranteed a 31 day window instead of 17, but this already has a 0day window, so…
  11. Yesterday was pretty weak. Don’t want to read to much into a single 24 hours though, I’d just chill and see whether tonight’s numbers show good pace or not.
  12. 25-45 with 2x-2.5x imo. Low*low is 50 and high*high 112 but a similarly wide confidence interval for the total probably more like 60-95 That said, let’s see the pace vs NTTD today. If yday was just noise and it does a solid fraction of the pace, that would point toward the upper end.
  13. I think it could be minor problem (emphasis on minor). Probably some people who will take: few days early home > in theaters Th>at home Th But imo the crowd who is aware of this stuff and accustomed to finding it is pretty small anyway.
  14. "second" 😏 Okay more serious both are impressive and largely incomparable imo.
  15. So after falling behind Free Guy on the 6th weekend, SC might be able to reclaim the 8th weekend record here against FG’s 2.26M. Will have to see how showtimes hold vs Dune and Ron, but its PSA* looks quite decent going off the @katnisscinnaplex nums (which are awesome)! So I would expect a strong hold. Will lose 9th weekend to Croods 2… but may be able to claim 10th if it’s boosted by Eternals? *Not actual PSA, gross/sample showtimes.
  16. Hmm, so weekends like: HWK 50-51 NTTD 24 V2 17 AF2 7.3 SC 3.4 about expected for Bond, Venom, AF2 (though legging well for sure) and great for HWK and sc
  17. Weren’t we expecting it to be pretty frontloaded? Relatively weak ramp up final week? We’ll see how next days go as they come of course, but today doesn’t look too surprising.
  18. This does require some assumptions about Dune… I don’t know that it has ever happened, though I hope somebody proves me wrong.
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