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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. This “Strange fractures multiverse because some teenage little shit can’t handle being known as a superhero” One More Day inspired crap. Most MCU heroes have their identity known. It just feels ridiculous, contrived, and not a good way to introduce this stuff in the movies.
  2. Anyway, yeah, looks bad to me. Could be least favorite phase 4 movie pretty easily tbh. But it’s over 300k likes between the two main channels in 24 mins. Excited for the BO at least.
  3. Hmm, don’t think this checks out. Even in movies where multiple languages make sense in universe, I feel like it’s plenty common to just have it be the production language throughout. Laziness in a sense, sure, but also it’s just convenient for audiences. And evidently this has some scenes in Mandarin, though I doubt every single scene where it would make sense in universe will be subbed.
  4. I have no interest in “cultural impact” or “phenomenon” or whatever for recent movies, but I do think only 1/5 Pixar originals since Inside Out has been truly spectacular, Soul, and not really in a kid friendly way. Then again only 1/5 originals *before* Inside Out was truly spectacular for me, so… Perhaps the lesson is that their 99-2004 run is not exactly reproducible.
  5. Reminiscence was marketed a lot. Far beyond the basic, I saw so much promotion for it. It didn’t flop because of delta or whatever, it’s at like 10% of Free Guy’s 2nd weekend. It flopped because it’s a free streaming movie that didn’t look appealing (so it also flopped on that streaming service).
  6. Is Dune really the sort of movie you can use to “play hardball?” I do agree though that something should move up to late Sep and a studio having two releases the same week isn’t unprecedented (we had it just this July, for instance).
  7. If people enjoy recognizing things they like (and history+anecdata on theater reactions strongly suggests that this is the case) then it’s somewhere on a gradient of fine to actively good to put in things they like for them to recognize when you’re making a movie for people to enjoy. Suggesting that people shouldn’t like that strikes me as pretentious. But knowing this place I probably shouldn’t have brought it up and I will say no more on it unless people really want to continue in DMs.
  8. You know, the bitter/jaded/cynical, contrarian/deliberately anti-popular, “fun references bad because corporations, whaaaaa” sort. But we don’t see eye to eye on this at all so probably shouldn’t take up too more space in the thread.
  9. July 4 actually a notable exception. It was easy to see the depressed Sat+Sun coming on this calendar… because the exact same thing happened on the last occurrence of it. I guess the other exception is that Super Bowl weekend truly is a really weak/bad date for movies. The key is that you can see this on past occurrences of the weekend — you look at dailies, compare to nearby weekends, very clear damage to the nums. To both openers and holdovers, strong product and weak product. Look at past Labor Days and things hold well (even adjusting for competition) just like a normal 4day. So it’s pretty clear the weakness of Labor Openers is a product issue. BP with a Labor Day date still does 200/240 or whatever, maybe a little bigger even (Lab Mon seems to act stronger than Pres Mon to me though it’s a little inconclusive). Edit: Dec 24 another example of an actually weak date, though it’s close to some strong ones so you don’t see people trying to avoid it too much.
  10. Did the first two have much financial potential covid notwithstanding though? We do occasionally see this sort of movie do good numbers but feels like the exception more than the rule.
  11. If studios only put weak movies on Christmas, it would be the case that Christmas movies all did poorly. Doesn’t mean it would be a bad date. Classic case of confused causality.
  12. I didn’t like the movie too much but I am loving the complaints it generates 😂 Especially That Scene™️. Feels like a great barometer of a certain sort of personality.
  13. This “Labor Day will hurt the OW” idea is a bunch of largely incoherent nonsense and superstitions. Movies do well on Labor Day. Just as we should expect, just like they do well on Pres 4day, MDW, MLK 4day, etc. Sunday acting as a Sat boosts the Sun night shows, and Mon acting as a Sun boosts the Mon tremendously, of course. It’s a great date.
  14. I am expecting much better final week than BW, maybe 9ish. Even 7.5*10 would be okay but your range sounds kind of like a disaster tbh 😛
  15. Not really. If you want, I’m sure their will be like 5 million short YouTube videos before this comes out with “here’s a quick summary of what you need to know about TASM.”
  16. I mean yeah, their Saturday was comical, cmon now. Frankly I was hoping to hit 19, let’s see if actuals deliver. 23% Sat-to-Sat drop btw 😎
  17. BW is the closest genre/franchise comp, but Free Guy will be much more in demand than BW so you might figure you can sell more tickets to Shang/Guy than Shang/Widow. Not sure how they'll play it
  18. It makes sense to me that a t-12 comp with 6 days would be more Th heavy than one with like 20 days or sales or whatnot.
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