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Joyous Legion

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Posts posted by Joyous Legion

  1. 6 minutes ago, Mulder said:

    Like to elaborate on this 8/10 of the years in the 2010s had a Disney film at #1, and in the two years where they weren't they were still in the Top 3 highest grossers. This kind of massive brand collapse of like...everything Disney, not just one sub-brand is going to take a bit to recover from. 

    Wild how with 10s of B on the line they simply could not manage to write decent scripts 🤣  


    Not even like, great, just… not awful

    • Like 2
  2. 14 minutes ago, CJohn said:

    Any new Wednesday numbers? I sure hope Napoleon rebounded a bit because that OD IM DHD mentioned is absolutely atrocious.

    The reception seems exceptionally bad too so I dunno if I’d expect much from 3day/wed.   

    Kind of mind boggling that this nov will probably lose to all since 1997 unadjusted — the average ticket price is like 250% of what it was then

  3. FWiW since I had someone on Reddit ask me several time to put my AQM2 thoughts in this thread, my read of this start (mostly going off Porthos Lannister jat keyser) is ~3-4.5 previews, 5-6 IM (this may seem very pessimistic but the Fri Dec 22 release is really bad for IM — you make it up on total/ow), 4-5 legs unless reception overperforms. Midpoint say 3.5->20 -> 85, could get very close with Marvels


    Absolutely dead genre which is awkward since it’s been propping the industry up for some half dozen years. A lot will hinge on whether Gunnverse and the at this point inevitable hard course correction of saga 2 can return to solid nums or not.

    • Like 7
  4. 6 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    But that’s my point - if those jobs are that dependent on MCU sustaining itself then the industry is already in a bleak place. In a healthy industry there’d be a ton of other projects they could easily work on outside of that, because in a healthy industry the mid-market wouldn’t have been gutted out. 


    Depending in part on something that could fail and depending in part on something that is failing are just very qualitatively different situations, I’m not sure what more to say 🤷‍♂️ 

  5. 13 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    If the industry is that dependent on the mcu it’s already in a bleak place. 

    scorcese was right: audiences have been conditioned to see films as content, and there’s a price to be paid for that when they also get content at home.

    You might think that it was previously in a bleak place qualitywise or whatever but I hope you can see the difference between that and literally a bunch of further closures job losses etc.   


    If MCU was performing well it’s worth like 1.5B+ DOM per year, current level looks more like 500M or something. That’s a pretty appreciable chunk of the whole post-pandemic market!

  6. 5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    It really does seem like people are just not very enthusiastic about going to the movies anymore unless something that comes off as an actual event of some kind comes along (at least for opening weekend). Which seems like a sign of trouble for the movie studios this holiday season, given the apparent lack of a movie that's looking to unite everyone in excitement.

    The collapse of the MCU is going to put the industry in a very bleak place unless we can keep having random surprise hits like TGM Mario and Barbenheimer, which is a model I’m a little skeptical of. Interesting to see how the next few years shake out 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, TheFlatLannister said:

    It 100% has nothing to do with quality. It was tracking way below $10M previews which is a big red flag for any MCU sequel

    It’s all about quality — the quality of MoM, L&T, QM and to a lesser degree even Secret Invasion. The Marvels quality itself being meh doesn’t help but I guess it will do like 50->125 and if it was great maybe that could be like 60->200 or whatever which is still very floppish.


    Not exactly the sort of weekend that’s going to rekindle my interest in BO but it is objectively very notable/interesting so I hope some people have fun this weekend :) 

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  8. 2 hours ago, vale9001 said:


    imo opinion you should considered 25% of the tickets children (0-12) + seniors (13.13 dollars) + 75% with 19.89 dollars tickets.

    (standard screening)

    For Imax screenings (right now the ones have sold more tickets with no surprise) tickets are 18.13 seniors + children, 24.89 standard ticket (25%-75% seems always a good split).


    In my opinion atp right now it's like 21.50-22 dollars 😅


    I’d go for a 5:1 adult split is 18.76 for standard/23.76 for imax. Not sure where final imax % will settle based on showing availability in the region, @Porthos should have the better idea there, but something like $19.5-20ish probably what I’d use (15-25% imax).

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